东莞市海芩塑胶五金制品科技有限公司是一家专业生产浴帽的生产厂家,集设计、开发、生产和销售为一体的企业,工厂人数50人,占地面积2500平方米。主要生产定制各种款式的浴帽,家居浴帽、酒店浴帽、双层印花PVEA浴帽、单层PVC浴帽、一次性PE浴帽,从国外引进了先进的生产设备,并聘请和培养了一批优秀的专业设计制作浴帽人才,可以根据客户需求定制生产各种类型的浴帽,为改变生活和浴帽的潮流不懈努力。 以创新的设计观念、精良的做工工艺、严格的质检流程,赢得了国内外众多客户。公司已先后通过ISO9001:2015质量管理体系认证和通过SEDEX-责任认证。 海芩自创业以来,一直以质量信誉为宗旨,以市场为导向,以创新求发展,不断开拓新产品,新市场,在市场竞争日益激烈的今天,海芩将继续以“团结、敬业、拼搏、进取”的精神再创辉煌。我们的一切努力,只为您满意! CMC SEA PLUM GARDEN HK CO.,LTD. is located in Dongguan, It is a professional manufacturer of bath cap, which integrates design, development, production and sales. The factory has 50 workers and covers an area of 2500 square meters. Mainly produces custom various styles of bath cap, home bath cap, hotel bath cap, double-layer printed PVEA bath cap, single-layer PVC bath cap, disposable PE bath cap, the introduction of advanced production equipment from abroad, And hired and trained a number of excellent professional design and production of bath cap talents, can be customized according to customer needs to produce various types of bath cap, in order to change life and bath cap trend With innovative design concept, excellent workmanship and strict quality inspection process, it has won many customers at home and abroad. The company has passed ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification and SEDEX certification. Since its inception, Haiqin has been taking quality and reputation as its purpose, market-oriented, innovation and development, and constantly opening up new products and new markets. today, with increasingly fierce market competition, Haiqin will continue to work hard with "unity, dedication and hard work." The spirit of enterprising "creates brilliance again." All our efforts are only for your satisfaction! 