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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 08:40:01  浏览次数:91


信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Describe something healthy you enjoy doing
  You shouldsay:
  What you do
  Where you do it
  Who you do it with
  and explain why you think doing this is healthy
  time & money-saving
  body sharp ease nerves
  more people like
  (1) Well, let’s start. The healthy activity I’m gonnatalk about is jogging which, I believe, is the most popular sports on Earth.
  (link,tenses, clause)
  (2) I knowfor most girls at my age, they are more turned byyoga nowadays but I ammore intojogging.
  be turnedby/ be attracted by/ be into sth/ be interested in
  (3) Jogging for me is both time-savingand cost-efficientsince I don’t need a coach, rent some facilities or buy any equipment and hardly doI need to pay the membership fee to join some clubsas I can just run whenever and wherever I want ifthere is a spacious park or a path along the river.
  (vocab, inversion, if)
  (4) You know, being healthy is a two-dimensionalthing including both physical comfortand mental ease.
  (5) The reason whyI have been partial about jogging is not only because it keeps my body in a better sharpbut also it does unwind my nervesafter hours of working.
  the reason why/ that
  unwind/ relax/ease my nerves
  (6) For everyfan of jogging, they appear toenter a tranquil silent worldwhen they jog cos compared withother sports, like badminton or football specialising in strategies to win, what joggers only need to focus is breath, inhale and exhale, which enhance your concentration in your inner mind.
  appear to/ seem to
  tranquil water of the lake/ life in the countryside
  breath/ inhale and exhale
  (7) I usuallyjog alone, but I don’t feel lonely since there must besomeone jogging on the streets to accompany.
  (there be)
  (8) Nowadays, the awarenessof significance of keeping fit has kept growingamong Chinese people, especially after the spread of novel coronavirusthis year.
  (9) They are eagerto build up strong immune systemby doing regular exercise.
  (10) Therefore, I believe jogging has been and will bemy and more people’s favour

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