总算理解雅思考试写作综合点评分享 雅思阅读





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总算理解雅思考试写作综合点评分享 雅思阅读

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信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  The diagram shows how an office building looks at present and
  the plan for its future development.
  As can be seen from the map, the current and proposed layout of an office building is illustrated.
  At present, there are two grass lands which are located on the west and east sides of the building, with a WC near the east grass land. As for the main part of this architecture, four offices are in a row from the left to the right and the reception where staff can enter through is in the right. Opposite to the four offices and the reception, a kitchen, a canteen and a stock room are also arranged in a line.
  In the future, enormous differences will take place in this building. Firstly, the most noticeable changes are expected to take place to the grass lands. The west one will be converted into an outside activity area while the other one will be developed into a coffee bar and a meeting area. Second, the position of the reception entrance will be moved to the middle of the building with one office by each side. Third, the kitchen and the canteen which are located opposite will be replaced by two offices.
  Overall, the current layout of the office is projected to experience huge changes in the future. only the stockroom will be still.
  【作文题目】Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improve health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?
  It is widely believed that funds should be devoted to developing new medicine. However, there is a hot debate over who is responsible for the costs.
  There is no doubt that governments should take at least part of the responsibilities. Research into new types of medicine and treatments requires a large sum of money, which is rather expensive for individuals. If patients cannot afford medical expenses, they might not recover from diseases. This is not beneficial for the government to gain credibility and confidence from its citizens. Another reason that governments should pay for the bills is that illegal and immoral research is mostly avoided under the control of the authorities. Medicine security is essential for health of the public and hence requires more consideration and regulation.
  However, some governments especially those under financial pressure might not able to cover all the funds needed to support development of new medicines. In this situation, private companies are ought to take more responsibilities. Although it seems that paying for the costs affects the company’s interests, in the long-term, it allows the company to set up a good image, which might bring unexpected profits. As for individuals, it is expected that those in high economic status pay part of the costs, which can not only fulfill their charitable purposes, but also relieve the burden of governments and private companies.
  To conclude, research into developing new medicine and treatments is undoubtfully needed for improving health and curing diseases. Governments, private companies and individuals are expected to pay disproportionately for the funds needed for investment.

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