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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 17:48:01  浏览次数:46


信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  When entering the second grade, I was transferred to a new preliminary school. It was so close tohome that it took me only 10 min to get there. The campus was barely large enough to place ateaching building and an office building in, while the playground stood in between. There I met agirl, Jane, who later became my bosom buddy(知心朋友). The time after school was generally thetime to horse around (打闹) in the playground for kids, but not for me and Jane. She would unzipher backpack to show me a whole stack of books and I could pick one for daily reading. Every nowand then, we would discard the books and take a stroll (漫步) around the campus to closelyobserve the plants and ants. The most beautiful time was when the sweet sound of the pianoappeared.
  Upon that, I and Jane would tip-toe(踮着脚尖走) to the door of the music classroom,leaning by the door and enjoying our time. It was Ms. Xu who was playing. She was my favoriteteacher. After the solo, she generally treated us with candies and cookies, prompting us to(鼓励某人做) give advice as to her playing. Spending five years there, I cherished the school as a hugemat. It was interwoven by musical notes, green leaves, variegated flowers, chirping birds, and asoft breeze. And most importantly it ensured me five safe and happy years(确保). I couldn’t love itmore.

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