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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 17:50:01  浏览次数:46


信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
  Movies and television programs should present stories that good people should be rewarded and bad people should be punished.
   Right moral values are important for teenage viewers, who are in the formative years, they are also important for adults, many of whom have lost their confidence in the system.
   Movies and television programs serve to promote the right values and strengthen people’s faith in the society.
   TV producers and film makers may be under that pressure that the viewers want to see the moral edification.
  Viewers can be swayed by what they see in movies and TV programs. It is therefore important that those productions promote what is right; otherwise, people may generatefeelings like anxiety and confusion.
  First, right moral values are important for teenage viewers, who are in the formativeyears. 典型的展开结构,中心句后简单解释:Since their worldview is still developing and forming, adolescentviewers need the absolute righteousness, which may be an idealistic idea yet the core of good values. 论证技巧:正说后反说:They would otherwise be confused or even go astray.
  典型的展开结构,讲完道理举例子:For example, a few years ago, when I saw, in the movie, that Spiderman was unwelcome by the citizens of New York City, I was baffled as to why such a good person who should have deserved tremendous applausewould be abandoned. It was not until the end of the story when people finally appreciated his good intents and deeds thatI stopped being perplexed by the story. The happy ending was critical to the formation of my worldview as a young man, as my confusion was dispelled. The story eventually confirmed the values I had been instilled from my family and education.
  Meanwhile, the right values are important for adults, many of whom have lost their confidence in the system. Such movies and TV are the rescuethose adults need. 中心句可以被拆成两句来说。论证技巧:跳过解释,直接举例子,以例子来诠释道理:This actually happens often. 引出例子的(套话性质的)小短句。There are realities where good people are not fairly treated, and some adult people may feel disappointed and doubtful about the system. Fortunately, when they watch such movies and TV, they can retrievetheir faith in society.
  In addition, not only viewers but also TV producers and film makers need such movies and TV programs. For those producers, as they may be aware of viewers’ need for the moral edification, they should feel urged to make such films and TV. Some producers, probably in pursuit of unconventional artistic value, have used plots that are contrary to the general principle and values that good people are rewarded and the bad punished, and ended up with receiving intense rejection. This the opposite case is the lesson. In fact, in China and the US, few措辞技巧:不在动词处否定,而在名词处否定。successful productions, whose number is colossal, and their producers disobeyor deviate fromthe mainstream values. 看出来之后一句其实是例子吧。

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