turn those waste coffee groundsinto advanced bio-fuels变咖啡渣为生物燃料
We collect waste coffee grounds from all across the UK, from thousands of different outletsand then turn those waste coffee grounds at our Factory in Cambridgeshire into advanced bio-fuels.我们收集全英国各个商店里被当成垃圾的咖啡渣,然后把它们运到我们剑桥郡的工厂,变废物为生物燃料。
bio-diesel blend混合生物柴油
They extract the oil to use as part of a 20% bio-diesel blend.他们提取出的油可以当做百分之二十的混合生物柴油来使用。
reduce greenhouse gas emissions减少温室气体排放的
London's bus network is partlyfueled by bio-diesel blends made from cooking oil and animal fat to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.敦的公交车部分是由食用油和动物脂肪制成的混合生物柴油燃料来减少温室气体排放的。
solve everything in one go一下子就解决所有问题
Even if you got all the waste of coffee grounds in London,it'd be enough to power roughly one third of London's bus networks using a b-20 blend so be a significant contributionbut it's not going to solve everything in one go.即使你得到了所有敦咖啡渣,制成百分之二十的混生柴油,足以供应敦大约三分之一的公交车,这可以说是个重大的贡献,但它还是不可能一下子就解决所有问题。
take the technology global把这项技术推广到全球
Kay hopes to eventually produce 100% coffee-based bio-diesel and he would like to take the technology global.凯希望生产出100%以咖啡为基础的生物柴油,他想把这项技术推广到全球。