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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 18:17:01  浏览次数:38

  Education and the Market As the social

信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Education and the Market As the socialist market economy in China is expanding, education is becoming more closely related to the market. In a broad sense, all the modern society is based on the market economy. As part of the society, education cannot be separated from the market. On the contrary, the former has much to do with the latter. Therefore, it is general believed that educaiton serves the market and the latter, in turn, supports the former.
  The reason for education to enter the market is obvious. As a developing country, China is not likely to invest a huge amount of money in education in the near future. Education has to turn to the market to find its own way. It is important to note that teacher’s way of production is to teach and train students. The students’ knowledge is an invisible product. In addition, their services to students and society are valuable. So education has to be run in accordance with the law value to realize the aim that students pay for their education and find jobs for themselves rather than being assigned jobs by the states.
  Personally, I think education is an independent industry between students and the talent market. It is the indispensable link between the two. So I can conclude that since science and technology and talented people can enter the market, it is a matter of course for education to enter the market.

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