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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 18:22:01  浏览次数:108

  话说圣诞月的“烤鸭”们运气如何?14号笔试的同学们应该算是运气不错的, 至少从听力的角度来看是,除了那个让大家始料不及的号码以外, 应该说是个和雅思分手的好时机。

信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  话说圣诞月的“烤鸭”们运气如何?14号笔试的同学们应该算是运气不错的, 至少从听力的角度来看是,除了那个让大家始料不及的号码以外, 应该说是个和雅思分手的好时机。
  不少同学问小编是不是在圣诞月考口语会容易点, 理由是考官都心情好啊!小编表示这些同学:" sometimes too young , sometimes naive " .
  当然, 这个逻辑也不是完全没有道理, 想着即将到来的假期, 谁的心情不好呢?考官也是人啊! although sometimes 不是
  当然, 不管考官心情好坏,做好准备才是王道啊, 这不小编给大家把圣诞月的礼物都准备好了。那就是圣诞月的TOP15 话题。
  这里与大家分享一个让很多同学大喊“太南了” 的话题:
  Do you like to smile ?
  Yes, I do. This is definitely one of the best ways to show my respect and warmth to people in my life. I love to smile especially when I meet strangers or new friends. They don`t know much about me and would sometimes feel anxious while talking to me, then a smile can make them feel comfortable.
  When do people smile at others?
  People should smile at each other all the time, right? I know people’s life pace is pretty fast nowadays, so it is difficult for people to show a smiley face. But it is always good to be positive and smile at each other to show the friendliness.
  Do you smile when people take pictures of you?
  Certainly, I am a very optimistic person, so you actually see me smiling most of the time, when people take pictures of me, I will always present the best side of me. And it is also a way to show respect to people.
  Can you recognize a fake smile ?
  Yes but no. Mostly, I can tell if the smile of the person in front of me is genuine or not. This is often judged by my observation of his or her facial expression, especially the eyes. However, if I met someone who is so experienced, then it`s difficult to tell a fake smile.

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