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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 18:25:01  浏览次数:44


信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Describea film or TV program that makes you laugh
  Youshould say:
  When andwhere you watch it
  What typeof film or TV program is
  What ittalks about
  Andexplain why it makes you laugh
  I’d like to talk about the big bang theorywhich is quite popular. The first time I watched it was about 3 years ago. Itwas highly recommended by my roommate. So one day in my dorm, I searched thisTV series and watched it for the whole afternoon. The Big Bang Theory is asitcom, originally centered on five characters: Leonard, Sheldon, Penny, Howardand Raj. This series talks about the daily life of these five people. The plotis simple, but I love it very much, especially Sheldon. He is a scientist only focusingon science. He produces a lot of jokes that attract a lot of audience. The mostimpressive scene I when he learns Chinese, he speak Chinese inappropriate toeveryone. That’s hilarious. I bet most audience love Sheldon for his jokes andcute stubborn.
  Part 3
  1. Why do children often laugh?
  I guess it’s because they are innocent andhardly have pressure. So they are easy to get satisfied and happy all the time.
  2. ls it good for the elderly and children tolaugh? Why?
  Of course. Laugh means happy. When childrenand the old laugh, they will feel happy and once they are in a good humor, thywill have less anxiety, which does good to their health.
  3. When do children laugh?
  When they feel happy, they will laugh. Forexample, when they eat their favorite snacks, they will feel happy and laugh.
  4. Do you think children are laughing morethan adults? Why?
  Maybe. they are innocent and hardly havepressure. So they are easier to get satisfied. However, adults have many thingsto concern, such as family and work. it’s hard for them to laugh as much aschildren.
  5. Do you think ifs important for teacher befunny? Why?
  I think so. when a teacher is funny,students won’t be afraid of teachers and are willing to learn from teachers. Ifthe teacher is very serious and strict, students will try to stay away fromteachers.

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