总算清楚雅思作文的考核思路你都清楚吗 雅思备考





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总算清楚雅思作文的考核思路你都清楚吗 雅思备考

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-24 19:21:01  浏览次数:36

  作文一直是大多数考生雅思7分的障碍,每次考完总有小伙伴感叹:我的作文这次又凉凉了,今天们一起学习雅思写作的秘籍—雅思(数据型)小作文的考核思路你都理解了吗?本次推送 202

信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  作文一直是大多数考生雅思7分的障碍,每次考完总有小伙伴感叹:我的作文这次又凉凉了,今天们一起学习雅思写作的秘籍—雅思(数据型)小作文的考核思路你都理解了吗?本次推送 2021年小作文示范两篇,帮助考生理解雅思(数据型)小作文的两个考核思路。
  The table given shows the total number of cruise passengers in the UK in two years, which are 1995 and 2003. The bars are an illustration of the breakdown of the two years’ numbers by age.
  There were roughly 3,000 more passengers in 2003 than in 1995, when the number was 99,575. ← 比较级是典型的体现比较概念的句型。分组:以蓝黄柱的高低 → Except in the 25-34 group and the 35-44 group, the year of 2003 witnessed greater numbers of passengers in the other age groups, 根据主句的信息继续写 → and the group consisting of people aged under 24 is noteworthy, as passengers in 2003, whosenumber is 10,000, are nearly twice as many as passengers in 1995. ← 一篇有一个长句即可。A noticeable gap can also be found in the next two older groups; however, there was an opposite case that the year of 1995 received obviously more passengers than the year of 2003. In addition, older passengers were more than their younger counterparts in both of the two years. The greater numbers were significant in the two oldest groups, with the number of passengers surging [surge]to as large as 23,000 in the 55-64 group and 35,000 in the 65-and-plus group.
  1. 内容注意:数据的 分组 和 取舍。
  2. 语法和句型注意:全篇的 不同的状语形式 和 非限定性定语从句 的交替使用;主语的多样性。
  3. 词汇注意:表示程度的形容词和副词。
  The lines in the two graphs are illustrations of the visits made by French and American vacationers and business visitors to the UK throughout a year.
  In terms of the holiday visits, the general pattern is that the UK received markedly more French vacationers' visits than those of American vacationers. ← 表语从句。写作步骤:上一句总写宏观后开始细化: With the number of French vacationers' visits increasing faster, ← 独立主格结构作状语表方式。 the gap keeping widening during the first quarter. It stabilized in the next two quarters, and the third quarter witnessed the respective peaks of the two numbers of visits – 3 million (m.) and 1.7m. Afterwards, both numbers of visits slid [slide] quickly to the original levels (0.5m and 0.7m).
  Likewise, French travelers made more visits for the business purposethan American visitors; however, the numbers of visits made by the two groups had identical trends. 写作步骤:在既然提及trends,那就把trends说明白: To be specific, despite the slip during the middle of the year, both numbers increased, from 0.2m to 0.48m and 0.1m to 0.3m respectively. Meanwhile, it is noteworthy that the difference was within a narrow range of 0.1m to 0.2m constantly over the year.
  Overall, the year saw that the UK received more holiday visits than the business visits and that the French made more visits than Americans. ← 宾语从句,注意平行。

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