总算认识托福口语常见话题模板分享 托福出分





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总算认识托福口语常见话题模板分享 托福出分

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-24 19:32:01  浏览次数:45


信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  托福考试口语和作文类似,都是有一定发挥空间但评分也比较主观的考试科目,而面对这类考试要求,大家提前准备模板的话就能取得比较理想的备考提分效果。下面小编就来重点分享托福口语 TASK1&2 独立口语高频话题:常去地方 / 上过学校的高分模板,一起来看。
   托福口语高频话题:Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation.
  I usually go to Beihai Park when I have the time and opportunity. I can go for a stroll in the park to relax. The park has some trees, and interesting and winding paths, where I can wander listlessly and contemplate my own thoughtsor admire the various stages of nature. Sometimes I just like to feel the breeze on my face and savour ( 尽情享受 ) its coolness. It gives me a sense of freedom. It also has a lake on which I can go boating. I often go to the park with my friends on weekends. And we'll have a picnic if we stay there for the whole day.
   Describe a school you ‘ ve ever attended.The school I'd like to talk about is Beijing New Oriental School where I took my TOEFL course. What I like about the school is that I can meet almost the best teachers in the country. They are so talented,eloquent ( 有口才的 ) , knowledgeable and humorous that I don't feel any bored in class. A 2.5 -hour class passes very quickly. One more good thing about the school is that I can meet people from different parts of the country and make friends with them. We have a lot in common, sharing the same passion, the same stage, even the same learning difficulties which we encounter ( 遇到 ) and then discuss and finally work out together. Living on campus offers us much time to communicate and to share experiences. Actually there's a lot to say about my school, but the points above are what I mainly want to cover.
   以上就是小编为大家分享的托福口语 TASK1&2 独立口语热门话题:常去地方 / 上过学校的高分模板,面对这些话题缺乏答题思路的同学不妨参考一下。

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