终于找到托福写作高分满分范文讲解 托福考试





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终于找到托福写作高分满分范文讲解 托福考试

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信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

   托福写作难点话题一览Learn by yourself or with a teacher?
  Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.
   本话题高分范文赏析Whether we need a teacher or not depends on circumstances. The relationship between a teacher and a new subject is somewhat similar to that between a tour guide and an unknown city. When we come to an unknown city for the first time, we definitely need a tour guide. We might have a detailed map, but it is unlikely functional — it isn't surprised that we can hardly interpret those mysterious symbols. Likewise, when we are beginners, it is wise to learn with teachers. They can tell us where to begin with, what we should do, and which reference we should choose. When we confront difficulties, we can ask them for help, and their advices will always be tremendously helpful. With teachers' assistance, we might learn easier, faster, and more interestingly.
  After a period of time, we have learned a lot. We now know the city pretty well, even though there are still many places we haven't been to. It doesn't matter. Now that we are able to recognize those mysterious symbols on the map, what we need perhaps is not a tour guide but a more detailed map.
  Similarly, we need richer references for learning. There are still many fields unexplored; they are, nevertheless, no longer puzzling. The task is simple: we will explore them one by one, little by little. If we are working on a certain skill, practice more; if we are preparing a test, practice more; whatever we are learning, what is always to bear in mind is that, like people always say, practice makes perfect. After another period of time, we might have become others' tour guide, but we still want to make out more. We want to know which restaurant is the most decent, which bookstore is the most professional, which coffee shop is the most classical. Even the most comprehensive map doesn't have adequate information. We again need experts.
  In learning, it's much the same. We need experts to consult for specific problems.Furthermore, the most beneficial merit of consulting experts is that we can not merely refer to them but even discuss with them in depth. As is often the case, a solution for a complex matter is not waiting for us right there and then, sometimes it comes out of inspirations of discussion.
  In short, having a good teacher is always better than having none, but the importance of a teacher varies from period to period, and more often than not depends on different stage in which we are learning.

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