终于理会商务英语中级情景口语之销售审查 商务英语学习





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终于理会商务英语中级情景口语之销售审查 商务英语学习

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  Dialogue 1
  M: Did you see the inf

信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Dialogue 1
  M: Did you see the information on sales for last year? The sales review was made up at our last board meeting, there's a great news for our shareholders.
  F: Yeah, I went for this figures this morning, we're finally making money again.
  M: We've never solved this much before, our growth this year has been phenomenal, we have captured 80% of this market, up for last year by 120%, our strategy is working.
  F: not only our annual sales brake the record, but our month by month earning exceeded our forecast as well. After a two year's slum, we finally back in the black.
  M: The company's performance has improved since Voller became president. He's made our little business into a real lucrative operation, products' selling like hot case.
  F: I think our success is partly because Wallet's contribution, and partly because our new marketing strategy, because the new advertise campaign, we have became the top sellers in the field.
  M: Let's hope this stroke of good luck last, I hope we are over are financial difficulties for good, but it's still too soon to know if our sales success is on long term trend.
  F: Let's hope it is.
  Dialogue 2
  M: Give these sales figures a look, it's pretty depressing, we're away in this year, we can't afford to keep going like this for much longer.
  F: You're right, we need to start making money soon or at least manage to brake even, but I think that the market is slowly begining to heat up, sales are bound to pake up any time now.
  M: Deman is droping, the problem is our competition, they are monoplizing the market.
  F: Maybe we should rethink our marketing stategy to enclose the possibility that our new line of cosmetic could be a good seller.
  M: It's really too early to tell, but a lot writing on the new products, if we don't do better after the products lunch, we may have to go bankrupt.
  F: Do you think is that serious?
  M: Look at this numbers and see for yourself, read them rip.
  F: My goodnees, I didn't realize it was that bad.

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