总算知道GMAT逻辑取非意识运用方法 GMAT经验





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总算知道GMAT逻辑取非意识运用方法 GMAT经验

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-24 20:31:01  浏览次数:46


信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  1.头一种逻辑推理题,题干中没有给出条件,题干中给出suggest,infer,assert,等带有推理意味的词。正确选项一般是根据关键词定位到原文,原文的逆向取非,即双重否定表肯定。 原文是A, 正确选项是 NOT(NOT A)。
  The passage suggest/asserts which of the following about X?
  1)The passage asserts which of the following about the claim that ALH84001 originated on Mars?
  原文:which scientists generally agree originated on Mars
  推理方向:NOT(not agree)
  正确选项:It’s not a matter of widespread scientific dispute.
  (not dispute, dispute= not agree)
  2)The passage suggests that the fact that ALH has been on earth for 13,000 years has been used by some scientists to support which of the following claims about ALH?
  原文:ALH has been on earth for 13,000 years, suggesting to some scientists that its PAH’s might have result from terrestrial contamination.
  推理方向:NOT(not result from terrestrial contamination)
  正确选项:ALH may not contained PAH’s when it landed on Earth.
  (即在落到地球之前是没有的,落到地球之前指在火星上= not result from Mars. [result from Mars= not result from terrestrial contamination])   2.第二种逻辑推理题,题干中没有给出条件,但原文中有比较。题干中给出suggest,infer,assert,等带有推理意味的词。正确选项一般是根据关键词定位到原文,原文的反向比较, 原文是A>B, 正确选项是B
  1)The passage suggests that socialists within the women’s movement of country X and most bourgeois feminists believed that in Country X
  原文:Fninally, socialist feminists and most bourgeois feminists approved of subordinating women's emancipation(A) to what they regarded the more important goal(B)of liberating the entire population of Country A" from political oppression, economic lagging, and social inequity.
  推理方向:subordinating=   正确选项:the achievement of larger political aims (B)should outweigh the achievement of women’s right(A).
  (outweigh =>, B>A)
  3.第三种逻辑推理题,题干中给出条件进行比较。题干中给出suggest, ,等带有推理意味的词。
  题目问,unlike,differ from A, B怎么样,原文一般在某段讲A和B的不同点,但是着重讲A,所以我们要找到A的特点,对A的特点进行取非,得出B的特点。
  1)The passage suggests that, unlike the pleiotropic hormones(A), oligosacchairns(B) could be used effectively to.
  原文:Unlike O(B)…The five (A)have so many simultaneous effect that they are not very useful in artificially controlling the growth of crops.
  正确选项:artificially control specific aspects of the development of crops.
  4.第四种逻辑推理题,题干中给出条件,隐藏比较。题干中给出suggest, ,等带有推理意味的词。问IF were A,下面哪个是真的。这种题型是隐藏了比较,原文有的内容是 not A 对应的情况,所以要把 not A,对应的情况进行取非,推出正确选项。
  1)The passage suggest that if a meteorite contained PAH’s that were the result of terrestrial contamination, then one would expect which of the following to be true? 原文:The concentration of PAH’s increase as one looks deeper into ALH, contrary to what one would expect from terrestrial contamination.(NOT A)
  推理方向:把NOT A的对应部分取非
  正确选项:The PAHs contained in the meteorite would be concentrated toward the Meteorite’s surface.

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