少儿英语故事:The Heavenly Cat在天堂的猫
The Heavenly Cat
once upona time,there was a cat that she got to heaven,God asked her howshe liked beingon told the Lord that it was awful,she had to sleep incold back alleyswhere there was no food and life was told her that he was sorry it had turned out that waybut here,in heaven,she would be happy and he would give her the most comfortable,warm pillowto sleep cat laid down up on the piIlow and was happy.
A few days later,about a dozen mice that came to heaven together and God asked themhow they had liked the earth. Earth was no them than it was the explai ned toGod that it was tough and exhausting their feetwere worn out from always running from cats cats anddogs and people. God felt bad for them ice and decided to give them roller-skates.
One day God saw the cat again and asked her how she liked explained that itwas absolutely piflow he gave her was the most comfortable place that she hadever slepton,but even better than the pillow was the meal son wheels.
从前,有一只猫死了。她上了天堂之后上帝问她觉得生活在尘世的感觉如何。她告诉主说很糟糕,她不得不住在寒冷的陋巷里,那儿没有吃的,而且过得很艰难。上帝告诉他觉得很抱歉她竟然生活得如此糟糕,但是在天 堂她会生活地非常幸福而且他会给她舒服、暖和的枕头让她枕着睡觉。猫躺在了枕头上面,非常开心。
几天之后。十几只老鼠一起上了天堂。上帝问他们在尘世时生活的如何。对他们来说。在尘世的生活比猫好不到哪儿去。他们向上帝解释说生活很艰难而且让他们筋疲力尽,因为每天都要不停地跑来跑去躲开猫、狗和人 。他们的小爪子都磨破啦。上帝为他们感到很难过,所以决定给他们提供旱冰鞋。