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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-01 16:06:08  浏览次数:151
核心提示:  当意见不统一的时候人们就会起争执,甚至是争吵。那么争执的时候怎么反戈一击或者是为自己辩解?今天的英语对话是关于争吵的英语对话。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Conversation 1
  A: How can you do that to me?   B: What are you talking about?   A: Don't pretend to be innocent. You know what you said against me before the director.   B:You are carrying your jokes too far. 1 promise 1 had said absolutely nothing.   A: Cut it out! Everybody knows about it now. I want to mind you I was born yesterday!
  A:你怎么能那样对待我呢?   B:你说什么啊?   A:别装蒜。你知道你在主任面前怎么说我的坏话的。   B:你玩笑开得太大了。我确保我什么都没说过。   A:算了吧你!现在大家都知道了。我要提醒你我不是小孩子!
  Conversation 2
  A: Jim,was it you who removed my documents?   B: It wasn't me.   A: Aren't you ashamed of yourself! No one but you comes into my office this morning.   B: You are short-tempered recently. I don't want to argue with you now.   A: It's my fault? I can't stand your behavior.   B: I didn't say that. Mary,you’ll regret.   A: You're getting on my nerves.
  A:吉姆,你动我的文件了吗?   B:我没有。   A:真不知羞耻!今天早上只有你到我办公室里来过。   B:你近脾气特别坏。我不想现在和你争吵。   A:这是我的错吗?我忍受不了你的行为。   B:我可没说是你的错。玛丽,你会后悔的。   A:都是你让我发脾气的。
  Conversation 3
  A: Sorry, Ms. Zhang. I'd like to have a word with you.   B: I'm busy now, Philip. Just a moment, OK?   B: What's it, Philip?   A: You see, the superior asks me to present a market research report tomorrow. Unfortunately,I've got an appointment tonight. Would you please work overtime and finish the report?   B: What, overtime again? Oh, no. I've got a lot to do on hand. Why not ask somebody else to do? You know, I'm really tired and need elaxation.   A: Sally said she's going to see her mother tonight. I have nobody but you to count on.   B:Sorry, Philip,I’m afraid I can't help you this time. I didn't take part in your market research and don't know what to write.
  A:对不起,张女士。我有点事与你商量。   B:我这儿正忙呢,菲力普。等一下,行吗?   B:什么事,菲力普?   A:你瞧,主管要我明天提交一份市场调查报告,可我今晚有约会,你能否加班帮我完成?   B:你说什么,又要加班?噢,不。我手头还有一大堆事要做呢?我说,菲力普,为什么不请别人帮忙呢?你知道,我很累,一也需要放松呀。   A:莎莉说她今晚要去看望她母亲。我实在找不到别人帮忙了。   B:对不起,恐怕这次我帮不了你,菲力普。我没有参与你的市场调查,也不知道该写什么呀!
  Conversation 4
  A: How can I pass by? Who put that here anyway?   B: I don't know. Has it been there several days?   A: It'll have to be moved. It's blocking the entrance.   B: I don't really mind. I can jump over it.   A: You'd better help me with it.   B: It's none of my business. Besides, I'm busy now.   A: When can you help me with it?   B: Hard to say.   A: I don't think I can move it by myself.   B: I couldn't careless. It has nothing to do with me.   A: Then,I must go the other way around.   B: If you like.
  A:我怎么过去?是谁这么随便把它放在这儿的?   B:我不知道。在那儿已经几天了吧?   A:要把它搬走。它挡住门口了。   B:我不在意。我可以跳过去。   A:你得帮我把它搬走。   B:这不关我的事。况且我现在忙。   A:你什么时候能帮我忙?   B:难说。   A:我一个人是搬不动的。   B:我不管。这和我无关。
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