E AIR TRAFFIC ConTROL IN THE USA To meet this challenge, the following elements were put into effect. First, ATC extends over virtually the entire United States. In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace. In certain areas, mainlynear airports, controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground, and,in the immediate vicinity of an airport, all the way down to the surface. Controlledairspace is that airspace in which FAA regulations apply. Elsewhere, in uncontrolledairspace, pilots are bound by fewer regulations. In this way, the recreational pilot whosimply wishes to go flying for a while without all the restrictions imposed by the FAAhas only to stay in uncontrolled airspace, below 365m, while the pilot who does wantthe protection afforded by ATC can easily enter the controlled airspace.
F The FAA then recognised two types of operating environments. In good meteo-rological conditions, flying would be permitted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) ,which suggests a strong reliance on visual cues to maintain an acceptable level ofsafety. Poor visibility necessitated a set of Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR), under whichthe pilot relied on altitude and navigational information provided by the plane'sinstrument panel to fly safely. On a clear day, a pilot in controlled airspace canchoose a VFR or IFR flight plan, and the FAA regulations were devised in a way whichaccommodates both VFR and IFR operations in the same airspace. However, a pilotcan only choose to fly IFR if they possess an instrument rating which is above andbeyond the basic pilot's license that must also be held.
G Controlled airspace is divided into several different types, designated by letters of thealphabet. Uncontrolled airspace is designated Class F, while controlled airspace below5,490m above sea level and not in the vicinity of an airport is Class E. All airspace above5,490m is designated Class A. The reason for the division of Class E and Class A airspacestems from the type of planes operating in them. Generally, Class E airspace is whereone finds general aviation aircraft (few of which can climb above 5,490m anyway), andcommercial turboprop aircraft. Above 5,490m is the realm of the heavy jets, since jet engines operate more efficiently at higher altitudes. The difference between Class E andA airspace is that in Class A, all operations are IFR, and pilots must be instrument-rated,that is, skilled and licensed in aircraft instrumentation. This is because ATC controlof the entire space is essential. Three other types of airspace, Classes D,C and B,govern the vicinity of airports. These correspond roughly to small municipal, medium-sized metropolitan and major metropolitan airports respectively, and encompass anincreasingly rigorous set of regulations. For example, all a VFR pilot has to do to enterClass C airspace is establish two-way radio contact with ATC. No explicit permissionfrom ATC to enter is needed, although the pilot must continue to obey all regulationsgoverning VFR flight. To enter Class B airspace, such as on approach to a majormetropolitan airport, an explicit ATC clearance is required. The private pilot whocruises without permission into this airspace risks losing their license.
Questions 24 and 25
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?In boxes 24 and 25 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
24 Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports.
25 All aircraft in Class E airspace must use IFR.
24 Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports.
关键词:Class F, 365m, not near airports
定位句:根据关键词Class F定位到G段第二行:
(1)Uncontrolled airspace is designated Class F.非管制空域被定为F级。
(2)In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace. In certain areas, mainly near airports,controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground, and, in the immediate vicinity of an airport, all the way down to the surface一般来说,在整个国家范围内,离地面365米以及更高的地方都是管制空域。在某些地区,主要是靠近机场的地区,管制空域向下延伸至距离地面215米以上的范围,而在紧邻机场的区域,管制空域包括地面及以上所有的区域。
解析:定位句(1)可以理解为“Class F=非管制空域”,根据定位句(2)可以推断出,“365米以下并且远离机场的领空=非管制空域”,把这两个定位句的意思相结合,就是“Class F=365米以下并且远离机场的领空”。题目说的就是“F级领空就是365米以下并且远离机场的领空”。题目和定位句意思相符,答案就是TRUE。
25 All aircraft in Class E airspace must use IFR.
关键词:all、Class E, IFR
定位句:根据关键词定位到G段第八行:The difference between Class E and A air spaceis that in Class A, all operations are IFR. E级和A级之间的区别在于A级空域中所有的操作都遵循仪表飞行规则(IFR )。