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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-03 09:48:09  浏览次数:27
核心提示:  英语直销信格式:直销信是写给某些特定的目标消费者的,是向潜在客户推销商品的重要的一种方式,因此在写信之前要做好调查准备工作,了解潜在客户和目标消费者的情况。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  1)第一部分。   直销信的开头应当具有吸引力,应该显示出对潜在客户的关注和了解,使对方有一种因受到关注而产生的信任感,从而有兴趣继续阅读接下来的内容。例如:
  (1) Your college has been known to us by the eminent achievements you have done in the pastyears and by the graduates of your college, they have been welcomed by the job marketwith their competence and qualification.
  (2) It has been known to us that the Administrative Building of your college had beencompletely constructed last month.
  (3) Your company has been recommended to us by the Xiangyun Media Co., Ltd., with whichwe have done business before.
  (4) The Yisheng import&Export Corporation has informed us that you are searching foroffice furniture producers.   (4) The Yisheng import&Export Corporation has informed us that you are searching foroffice furniture producers.
  (5) It has always been a great pleasure for us to be given an opportunity to contact with such apromising firm as yours.
  (1) We specialize in designing and producing uniforms of various kinds and styles.
  (2) We specialize in the production of office furniture. Our products have enjoyed great popularity in the market and received repeated orders from many companies and organizations.
  (3) Our oil-free facial cream has been welcomed in the market for generations by people ofvarious ages as a perfect cream to leave the skin feeling soft and moisturized.
  (4) Our newly released children's sports wear has a great appeal for children because it has thepopular characters' design from the latest cartoon movies.
  (5) The newest model of our products is a perfect design for your store to carry.
  (1) Just post the pre-paid card today, then you will get a sample uniform within ten days.
  (2) Please fill in the enclosed enrollment card and mail it today.
  (3) Don't hesitate to call, write or e-mail us for further inquiry.
  (4) Please log onto the website of our company if you would like to place an order or for more information.
本产品网址 : https://www.ipno.cn/news/i248103.html 可发送到QQ/微信/微博/博客等平台来推广此信息


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