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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-03 10:28:00  浏览次数:57
核心提示:  关于合同法英语的案例分析:Whereas Business College of Shanxi University, hereinafter called Party A, is willing toemploy Bob R
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  关于合同法英语的案例分析:Whereas Business College of Shanxi University, hereinafter called Party A, is willing toemploy Bob Roberson, from America, hereinafter called Party B, as the foreign teacher of theForeign Languages Department of Business College of Shanxi University, the two parties, in thespirit of cooperation, hereby sign the contract and perform any of the obligations and under thefollowing terms and conditions.   1. The teaching duration about Party B is five years, that is, from July 9, 2010 to July 9,2015.   2. The work of the engaged party is decided through mutual consultation as follows:   (1) Training teachers of Chinese English and teaching methodology;。   (2) Conducting senior English Oral English classes for Chinese students and advisingstudents on extracurricular activities of English;。   (3) Compiling textbooks and supplementary materials with assistance of Chinese teachers;(4) Having 10 to 12 teaching periods per week.   3. The engaging party pays the engaged party a monthly salary of 8,000 RMB.   4. The engaged party works five days a week and eight hours a day. The engaged party willhave legal holidays prescribed by Chinese Government. The winter and summer holidays arefixed by the college calendar.   5. The engaged party shall adhere to the laws and regulations of the Chinese Governmentconcerning residence, wages and benefits, and shall follow the working systems of the engagingparty.   6. Neither party shall cancel the Contract without reasonable causes. If the engaging partyfinds it imperative to terminate the Contract, then, in addition to bearing the above-mentionedwages and benefits, it shall pay the engaged party two months' extra salary as compensationallowance.   If the engaged party submits his resignation in the course of his service, the engaging partywill stop paying him salary from the date when his resignation is approved by the engagingparty, and the engaged part will no longer enjoy the benefits.   7. This contract comes into effect on the first day of the engaged party's arrival at BusinessCollege of Shanxi University and ceases to be effective at its expiration.   If any party wishes to renew the Contract, the other party shall be notified in writing onemonth before it expires. A new contract may be signed between the two parties once theagreement is made by both parties.   8. This Contract is made in English and Chinese, both versions being equally valid.   The engaging party The engaged Business College of Shanxi Universityparty Bob Roberson Signed at Taiyuan, Shanxi, China on July 9, 2010
  聘请合同山西大学商务学院(聘方)聘请美国外教罗勃·罗勃森(受聘方)为山西大学商务学院外语系外教。双方本着友好合作的精神特签订本合同,其条款如下。   1.聘期为5年,自2010年7月9日起,至2015年7月9日止。   2.受聘方的工作任务,由双方协商确定为以下各项:   (1)受聘方承担教授中国教师英语及教学法工作;。   (2)受聘方教授高年级学生高级英语口语课程,并指导学生参加各类英语课外活动;。   (3)在中国教师的辅助下,受聘方编撰教材和补充读物;。   (4)受聘方每周授课10-12小时。   3.聘方每月支付受聘方工资8 000元人民币。   4.受聘方的工作时间为每周5天,每天8小时。受聘方享受由中国政府规定的节假日。寒暑假按本校校历规定执行。   5.受聘方应遵循中国政府制定的各项有关居住、工资和福利的法规和规定,并遵守聘方的工作制度。   6.合同双方均不得无故撤销合同条款。如聘方要求中途终止合同,除按上述条款承担工资福利待遇外,须向受聘方支付2个月的工资作为补偿金。   如果受聘方中途提出辞职,聘方将自同意受聘方辞职之日起停发工资,且受聘方不再享受各项福利待遇。   7.本合同自受聘方到达山西大学商务学院(聘方)之日起生效,到聘期期满时失效。   如一方要求延长聘期,必须在合同期满前一个月以书面形式向对方提出。经双方协商同意后另签合同。   8.本合同以中英两种文字写成,两种文本具有同等效力。   聘方: 受聘方:   山西大学商务学院 Bob Roberson 签字地:中国山西省太原市 日期:2010年7月9日

  (1)The teaching duration about Party B is five years, that is, from July 9, 2010 to July 9, 2015.这是本雇佣合同中需要首先指明的条款,说明受聘者的雇佣期限,而且具体日期也须言明。   (2) The work of the engaged party is decided through mutual consultation as follows.本句则是说明终协商之后双方的职责。   (3)合同第三项条款到第五项条款则是对受聘方工作时间、工资发放及各项福利所得的具体说明。   (4)合同第六项条款是对聘用期间合同中止的处理方案,以避免雇佣期间不必要的纠纷。   (5)This contract comes into effect on the first day of the engaged party's arrival at BusinessCollege of Shanxi University and ceases to be effective at its expiration.这是合同的第七项条款,是关于合同生效日的说明。
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