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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-05 19:50:57  浏览次数:40
核心提示:  正误判断题专项练习及解答   Is Chocolate Good for You?   It's a perennial question and,thanks to the research published
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  正误判断题专项练习及解答   Is Chocolate Good for You?   It's a perennial question and,thanks to the research published this week by scientists at Imperial College,London,claiming that the theobromine in chocolate is a third effective than codeine at stopping persistent coughs,one that is being asked again week.   So. to run through those health benefits:in 2001·a study published in the Lancet showed that chocolate contained significant amounts of antioxidants in the form of flavinoids一these prevent the build-up of coronary artery plaque. In particular, catechin(also found in tea) protects the immune system and the reinforced a study carried out two years earlier at the University of Scranton,which showed that flavinoids were even better than vitamin C in preventing the bad LDL cholesterol in the blood from being oxidised and damaging the heart. Chocolate also contains several trace minerals including manganese. potassium,magnesium,phosphorus and calcium.   But this is no licence to contains lots of saturated fat(in the form of stearic acid)and sugar while fruits and vegetables contain more of the antioxidant flavinoids. In 1999,a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that the risk of coronary heart disease thanks to the fat in chocolate was even more than the risk posed by other harmful fats. As the editorial in that issue concluded:   “Unfortunately·for chocolate lovers. chocolate's high content of stearic acid puts it in the same category of risk of coronary disease as meat and butter一i. c. pathogenic.”   Therefore,even if theobromine proves to be the best way to treat persistent coughs in the future,it's more likely that your doctor will prescribe you a pill than a Mars bar.   The solution?Eat bitter dark contains less of the bad stuff but still has the flavinoids.   (Taken from The Guardian)   Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? In boxes 1一Jon your answer sheet writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if if there is no information on this in the passage1 .The debate on whether chocolate is good for people is soon to be over.   2 .The healthy ingredients chocolate contains are the flavinoids and also some trace minerals.   3 .As research has shown the benefits of chocolate on health,people can eat as much chocolate as they want.   4 .Eating chocolate helps people to be more energetic in their work.   5 .When it comes to the health problem,bitter dark chocolate is better than other forms of chocolate.   解析   1.答案为FALSE,题目中的说法是,吃巧克力对人好不好这一问题的辩论很快就要结束了(is soon to be over)。乍一看,文章中好像没有提到这样的辩论会持续多久,但文章第一段的起始句中有一个词是关键: perennial,意思是“长期的、长久的”,这就表明了这一问题的持久性,并不会很快就结束,题目的说法与原文形成反义结构。   2.答案为TRUE.题目中提到,巧克力中对健康有益的成分是flavinoids和一些trace minerals,这些都可以在文章的第二段起始句和结束句中找到答案。   3.答案为FALSE,题目中包含了一个原因状语从句,因为巧克力中含对人健康有益的成分.   所以人们可以想吃多少就吃多少,而在第三段中明确指出.尽管巧克力中含对人健康有益的成分,但也不是说就可以放开了吃(no licence to gorge).题目的说法与原文相反。   4.答案为NOT GIVEN。本文讨论的是巧克力对人们身体健康是否有益,提到巧克力含哪些有益健康的成分,对健康有哪些不好的影响,出现的都是一些较为专业的医学词汇。文中并没有提到吃巧克力会不会使人在不作中保持精力充沛,题目属于未给出的信息。   5.答案为TRUE,综合上文,巧克力中既含有益健康的成分,又含有害健康的成分,解决的办法(solution)就是吃黑巧克力,因为它益多于害。虽然原文中并没有出现题目中的比较结构,但通过推断,黑巧克力一定优于其他巧克力,否则也不会被作为solution的。题目与原文意思吻合。   
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