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  gmat逻辑题   逻辑描述题(Reasoning Questions)   逻辑结钩题要你描述作者推理的构建.而并非文章主题。下面是逻辑结构题的问法:   .How does the autho
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  gmat逻辑题   逻辑描述题(Reasoning Questions)   逻辑结钩题要你描述作者推理的构建.而并非文章主题。下面是逻辑结构题的问法:   .How does the author make his point?   .A major flaw in the argument above is that it. . .   ·As response has which of the following relationships to be argument?   怎么解逻辑结构题   1.阅读作者推理,找出结论。   2用自己的话复述推理。描述作者怎么利用前提推出结论。   3.用排除法。比较好的选项应该能描述推理的逻辑结构。排除那些不符合逻辑结构的选项。   策略:在GRE和GMAT的逻辑题中,关于逻辑描述的方式只有“正面例子,反面例子和类比”三种。   例题The burden of taxation on the back of a people is not unlike the burden of a weight on the back of a horse. Just as a small burden badly placed may distress a horse that could carry with ease a much larger burden properly adjusted, so a people may be impoverished and their power of producing wealth destroyed by taxation that, if levied another way,could be borne with ease.   The author's point is made by_.   (A)pointing out an ambiguity   (B) using an analogy   (C)refuting a supposed counterexample   (D)appealing to an authority   (E) generalizing from a particular case   题干说,压在人身上的税负与马背上的负担没有什么两样。负荷如果安放不当.容易对马匹产生不良影响,但如果调整得当,马可以轻松地承受更大的负荷。对人也一样,他们很可能破税负压得更穷.无法进行物质生产。但如果用另一种方式对人征税,也许就能轻松地被人们接受。这里,问题问作者通过什么方式来论述他的论点。我们回头再看一下题干大意,得知,作者想得出‘’但如果用另一种方式对人征税,也许就能轻松地被人们接受”的结论。而在论述过程中,作者用与人身的税负相似的马背上的负担来帮助说明这个间题。这明显是一种类比。即作者通过类比来得出他的推论。选项B正好描述了这种论证方式。   例题Which of the following best completes the passage below?   Established companies concentrate on defending what they already have. Consequently,they tend not to be innovative themselves and tend to underestimate the effects of the innova-tions of others. The clearest example of this defensive strategy is the fact that(A)ballpoint pens and soft - tip markers have eliminated the traditional market for fountainpens, clearing the way for the marketing of fountain pens as luxury or prestige items(B)a highly successful automobile was introduced by the same company that had earlier introduced a model that had been a dismal failure(C)a once - successful manufacturer of slide rules reacted to the introduction of electronic calculators by trying to make better slide rules(D)one of the first models of modern accounting machines, designed for use in the banking industry, was purchased by a public library as well as by banks(E) the inventor of a commonly used anesthetic did not intend the product to be used by dentists, who currently account for almost the entire market for that drug.   这一道题要你在5个选项中选出一个适合填入空格的句子。但从题干的前半部分.我们发现它是在阐述一个论断,即结论.而后半部分需要一个正面的例子来说明这个结论。我们首先用自己的话来复述这个推理:在位的公司专注于保护他们已经拥有的东西,所以它们不期待创新.而且低估了其他公司的创新所带来的影响。这种保护性的战略明显的例子就是什么样的例子能举出这种保护性的战略呢?我们来看选项。选项A,清除了水笔作为奢侈品的营销手段,圆珠笔和软笔已经占据了传统的水笔市场。这里虽有新旧对比,却没有保护传统,压制创新的表现。选项日,D和E都没有表达这种压制创新,而只有选项C非常清晰地列举了这种保护落后,压制创新:一个曾经很成功的滑动圆规制造商对新生的电子圆规采取的措施是试图制造更好的滑动圆规。   
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