终于明白新托福口语机经Independent .task 1真题机经及满分答





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终于明白新托福口语机经Independent .task 1真题机经及满分答

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新托福口语机经Independent .task 1真题机经及满分答案


信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

新托福口语机经Independent .task 1真题机经及满分答案





1 .What makes a good teacher?

A good teacher should have three basic characteries as follows:

To begin with,a good teacher should be knowledgeable 50 that students ean learn things beyond the Chinese teacher 15 not only good at a 150 an expert of western music and have an opportunity to learn western lifestyle,tradition and arts which help us to have a knowledge of western society. good teacher should be and have a great sense of humor 50 that the lecture ean be attractive.

good teacher should be patient and trustworthy 50 that the students are able to

learn more and never hesitate to ask any question.

2 .What makes a good student?

A good student should have the following characteristics.

First,a good student should be hard一working 50 that he or she ean require knowledge and make Progress constantly.

Second,a good student should be a Passionate Participant and eager to those who Prepare to learn something can raise constructive questions and give insightful input during class good student always gets involved in class.

Third,a good student should be example,1 have already taken the

TOEFL test twice and did not get a satisfactory 1 did`t give famous saying goes:“Where there 15 a is away!”I am sure l will make my dream come true eventually.


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