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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-09 19:22:10  浏览次数:54
核心提示:  关于机器人的雅思作文范文,机器人,即我们所熟知的“铁领”工人,在不同领域被广泛运用,像海上搜索、空问探索和一些现代生产线中,你怎么看待当今的机器人?以下就是合肥沃尔得教育小编为您整理的关于机器人的雅思作文范文。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  Intelligent machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings. Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages.(考题重现:)。   核心词汇:intelligent machines, robots.   文章结构:辩论型对称式话题。
  【高分范文】   Technology. of intelligent machines improves amazingly with the help of artificial , known as steel-collar workers, are widely employed in different fields, such as marine research, space exploration and some modern assembly lines. Robots bring about advantages undoubtedly, and meanwhile, they are not as versatile as expected.
  The advantages of robots are employment of robots on assembly lines saves a lot of labor forces. Robots are widely used in developed countries. In Japan, one out of ten thousand workers are robots, which not only improves the working efficiency, but also enhances accuracy. That is the reason why robots are so popular in the automobile industry and electronic production lines.
  Another merit is that robots can take the place of human beings and work in dangerous environments or places not accessible for people. Human beings have extended their cognition to outer space, where there are considerable unpredictable can work in any kind of circumstance, no matter how awful the circumstance is. In hospital, robots work as professional doctors performing operations on patients. Furthermore, robots can work around the clock, never knowing what means to be tired.
  However, the disadvantages of robots are undeniable. Firstly, human beings design all the robots and other intelligent machines. What robots do is to follow the instructions and pre-set programs set by human beings. If there is something wrong with the electrical circuit or programs, robots will become good-for-nothing machines. Besides, robots cannot work creatively when confronted with complicated situations.
  In short, robots are subsidiary to human matter how competent they are in various kinds of fields, robots will never take the place of human beings and play a decisive role in people's life and work.   【范文翻译】   在人工智能的帮助下,智能机械的科技得到了极大改善。机器人,即我们所熟知的“铁领”工人,在不同领域被广泛运用,像海上搜索、空问探索和一些现代生产线中。毫无疑问,机器人确实带来了诸多好处,但与此同时,它们并不像人们想象的那么多功能。
  简言之,机器人是从属于人类的。无论机器人在各种领域做得有多么出色,它们终究还是无法替代人类,无法在人类生活和工作中起到决定性的作用。   以上就是合肥沃尔得教育小编为您整理的关于机器人的雅思作文范文。论机器人在各种领域做得有多么出色,它们终究还是无法替代人类,无法在人类生活和工作中起到决定性的作用,你怎么看?小编提醒大家,雅思考试需努力,雅思-拒绝“二战”。
免责声明:[ 总算明了关于机器人的雅思作文范文]信息是由该公司[勤学思教育网]自行发布,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。[爱品网]仅列示上述信息,上述信息描述仅代表信息发布日的情况,不担保该信息的准确性,完整性和及时性,也不承担浏览者的任何商业风险。
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