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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-10 06:36:36  浏览次数:65
核心提示:  关于虚拟交流的雅思作文范文,面对面交流和虚拟交流将并存于现代社会,面对面的交流在当前以及以后都将会是人们之间有效的沟通方式,关于虚拟交流问题你怎么看?以下就是北京朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于虚拟交流的雅思作文范文。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  【题目分析】   People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on an individual and society as a whole?(考题重现:/ )。   核心词汇:perform everyday tasks,without meeting other people face-to-face。   文章结构:分析型话题。   【高分范文】
  Asking if virtual life will replace real life is like asking if singles' chat rooms will replace real dating. Human face-to-face interaction is, and will continue to be, the most effective form of communication. What this essay will focus on is its effects.
  The reason for face-to-face interaction is meetings deliver rich, potent experiences that virtual meetings deliver motivation along with messages, and inspiration with information. That's why corporations that want to inspire a sales force to perform better or build confidence with customers are continuing to rely on the punch that live events deliver, namely,expos.
  Still, while the virtual meetings will never entirely replace the live ones, the technology has a place within physical events. The shortcomings of the traditional meeting model, with an on-stage presenter talking to a passive audience, have become clear with the rise of interactive and social networking tools. These advances have driven live meetings to incorporate better peer-to-peer and audience-to-presenter interaction. On the contrary, virtual life also isolates people without to lack of expression,confusion and misunderstandings will spring out. High technology can hardly emote properly. Emoticons can only take one so other words, it is difficult to convey sarcasm or anger in an email or a text.
  In short, face-to-face and virtual chat will coexist in modern society. I really discourage having arguments can be great to initially meet someone, and very convenient when they further along in a relationship, but never use it as a replacement for the real thing. For all of its usefulness, it is very hard to cuddle with a cell phone.   【范文翻译】
  简言之,面对面交流和虚拟交流将并存于现代社会。我确实不鼓励通过电子手段起争执。初,科技可以使人沟通良好,当人们关系进一步发展时也非常方便,但千万不要试着用它来代替真实的东西。即使算上所有的优点,人也不可能永远都抱着一部手机生活。   以上就是朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于虚拟交流的雅思作文范文。面对面的交流在当前以及以后都将会是人们之间有效的沟通方式,你怎么看?小编提醒大家,雅思考试需努力,雅思-拒绝“二战”,建议参加雅思培训班以确保学习效果。
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