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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-10 12:33:17  浏览次数:63
核心提示:  新托福口语的特点
  如前所述,新托福重要的变化莫过于加入了口语部分,2005年3月18日,ETS在它的官方网站上刊登了一篇名为What's Better About the New TOEFL Speaking Sect
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  如前所述,新托福重要的变化莫过于加入了口语部分,2005年3月18日,ETS在它的官方网站上刊登了一篇名为What's Better about the New TOEFL Speaking Section的报告.下面广州朗阁小编对此报告做一个全面的解读。以便从ETS这一出题机构的角度说明新托福口语部分的特点。
  The Speaking section will consist of six tasks, two independent speaking tasks and four integrated tasks. The two independent speaking tasks require the test taker to take a position on a topic and support it based on personal experience. Of the integrated tasks, two will integrate speaking with reading and listening; another two will integrate speaking with listening only·
  These integrated tasks represent both academic and campus-based social situations in which a student will use English. In their responses, test takers must integrate and synthesize the information they have listened to and read.
  口语部分包括6道题:2道独立任务题.4道综合任务题。2道独立任务题要求考生就某一话题发表自己的观点并用自己的个人经历进行支持。在综 合任务题中,2道题需要考生综合听、读、说三种能力.而另外两道题需要考生综合听、说两种能力。这些综合任务主要测试考生在生活和学习中运用英语的能力。在考试中.考生需要结合所听到 和读到的信息答题。
  The responses to the tasks will be evaluated using the speaking rubrics (scoring standards), which focus on delivery (intelligibility), language use, and topic development. Each response is rated on a scale of 0 to 4. The sum of ratings for the six responses is converted to a scaled score of 0 to 30.
  The new TOEFL Internet-based test(TOEFL iBT) will be administered at secure test centers Internet-based delivery makes it possible to capture test takers' spoken responses digitally and forward them to ETS's online Scoring Network for evaluation. ETS will train and certify raters to score the speaking responses
  托福网考将在特定的考试中心举行。互联网使得ETS有可能用数字方式记录考生的回答并且将其传至ETS的在线评分系统进行评分。经过ETS培 训并认证的评分人会时考生的回答进行评判。
  1. High Degree of Validity无与伦比的效度
  A speaking test that is used to make admissions decisions must be authentic and reflect the complex speaking tasks people experience every day. The strategy that ETS developed to establish testing that follows real-life application was based on an extensive analysis of the kinds of language tasks students encounter in a university setting. The full report, TOEFL Monograph 21: The Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening Tasks important for Academic Success at the Undergraduate and Graduate Levels can be downloaded for free at /ell/research/   ETS believes a combination of independent and integrated tasks more accurately assesses the four facets of English language proficiency: reading, listening, writing and speaking. It also reflects the integrated-skills approach being used by the English-language teaching community.
  作为高校录取标准中的一部分,新托福的口语测试贴近现实并反映出北美大学生在每天会话中所涉及的方方面面。为了大限度地贴近现实, ETS对于美国大校园中每天发生的对话所使用的语言做了大量深入的研究并终形成了一篇名为“TOEFL Monograph 21: The Reading, Writing,Speaking, and Listening Tasks important for Academic Success at the Undergraduate and Graduate Levels“的报告。考生可以登录/ell/research/下载 此报告。ETS相信将独立任务和综合任务结合能准确反映出英语听、说、读、写这四项能力;同时也反映出以培养学生的综合能力为目标的教学理念 在英语教学界正得到广泛运用。   2. Exceptional Reliability超乎寻常的信度
  To be consistent and reliable, there must be scrupulous adherence by the raters to a common set of standards for all test takers. Some major tests re-train and re-certify their raters only once a year or so, and often the raters are from the same country as the test taker, which can result in their being too lenient on scoring.   With the TOEFL iBT Speaking section, a different rater reviews each of the six total tasks, resulting in exceptional scoring reliability.   In addition, ETS raters must calibrate each time they begin rating, and they must re-calibrate after taking breaks. Raters are evaluated throughout the day to make sure they are rating accurately, and if they are not on target they must retrain and recalibrate before continuing. This rigorous monitoring ensures quality control and consistency in applying the scoring standards.   For the new test, all this will take place on the online Scoring Network. Raters from around the world will apply the same standards and will be evaluated regularly for accuracy.
  新托福考试中,评分人必须严格遵循一系列的评分标准,并将其用于每一名考生。广州朗阁小编提示:有些考试只是一年一度地时其评分人重新培训和重新认证. 而通常评分人与考生都来自于同一个国家,这使得这些评分人在评判时有失公平。
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