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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-10 16:32:14  浏览次数:67
核心提示:  关于新能源的雅思作文范文,世界正在飞速发展产生了不少新型能源,你怎么看待当今的新能源?以下就是深圳启德教育小编为您整理的关于新能源的雅思作文范文。
  【题目分析】   Fossil fuels, such as c
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  【题目分析】   Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, are used in many countries. But in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy, including wind and solar power, are encouraged. Is this trend a positive or a negative development?(考题重现:2009. )。   核心词汇:fossil fuels, alternative sources of energy .   文章结构:辩论型片面式话题。   【高分范文】   After the Industrial Revolution, the nation who conquers the energy world will conquer the world at the same time. Some people believe that traditional fuels, including coal,oil, and gas, are the main sources rather than alternative sources like wind energy and solar energy. Personally, the use of alternative sources of energy should be encouraged and spread all over the world.
  Admittedly, fossil fuels as the main sources make human beings live more effectively and large amount of energy in fossil fuels is applied to the industrial production and it seems that the process of making energy from fossil fuels is employed by most countries. Nonetheless, traditional resources will dry up in a foreseeable beings must find an alternative way to continue civilization.
  The advantages of alternative sources of the energy can be divided into two aspects:Firstly, using alternative sources reduce the contamination of the environment. Namely,most new energies are green. Secondly, alternative sources of energy that are regarded as sustainable sources of energy are more likely to meet the massive demands of economic and cultural development in modern society. However, it is often considered that using alternative sources of energy such as nuclear energy is a quite dangerous thing for human beings and our Some other alternative sources of energy like wind energy and solar energy are not quite available for production for the sake of expensive payment.
  To conclude, the use of the alternative sources may contribute to social development and push the whole world into a new dynasty, which does no harm to the environment and has high effectiveness. only by this can we break through the bottleneck of the energy crisis.   【范文翻译】
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