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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-10 21:22:17  浏览次数:69
核心提示:  英语写作技巧——逻辑纽带
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  常用的关联词有:first (ly) ,…second ( ly ),...also,...finally, ... ; in the firstplace,…in the second place,…;first of all,…furthermore, ... finally,…;one…another…;at the lime; at the beginning; previously; later; meanwhile; afterwards; by the endof; up; down; inside; over; beyond…等。   例文A: There are a variety of reasons for this dramatic growth in...Firstly, ... Secondly, . .   Finally,…在…上的显著增长是由于多种原因造成的。首先,……第二,·…后,……(表明逻辑顺序)   例文B: Performing a winter checkup on your car can be done easily if you follow the properprocedure. The first step is…Then, ... After that, ... Finally,…如果遵循正确的程序,冬季检修汽车会很容易。第一步,……接下来。……然后,……后,……(表明过程顺序)
例文C: Last summer I took a job as a waitress. My motives at the time were…Duringthat first week, I…Even when I had become accustomed to the routine. I…By the end ofthe summer, I had firmly resolved never to take another job.去年夏天我在一家餐馆打工,当女招待、我当时的动机是……第一个星期,我每天……即使后来习惯了那种工作,我还是感到·…暑期结束时,我下定决心再也不去打工了。(表明时间顺序)
例文D: On one side, beginning at the very lip of the pool, was a tiny meadow,...Beyondthe pool a gentle slope of earth ran up and up to meet the opposing wall...,Below, the canyonwas shut in…Up the canyon rose far hills and peaks…在深潭的一边,从潭水边珠开始伸展着一片草地……在深潭的另一边,有一个土坡缓缓隆起与对面的崖岭相连……峡谷的下面.群山环抱...在峡谷的上面,可以眺望远处的峰峦……(表明空间顺序)

2.提出观点《Expressing Opinions)
  广州朗阁雅思英语学校为考生例举出的提出观点的常用关联词有:in my opinion, in my point of view, as far as I am concerned, there islittle doubt that…,I strongly believe that.…as for me, as I see it, agree/disagree with, Iwould rather ...than...等。   例文A: Some people may regard failure as a bad thing. In my opinion, however, whether afailure is good or bad somewhat depends on how we cope with it.一些人认为失败是一件坏事。   然而在我看来,失败是好还是坏在一定程度上取决于我们如何对待它。   例文B: People hold different views about ... Some people are of the opinion that…,while others point out that…As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds moreweight.人们对……存在不同现点。有些人认为……有些人认为,··…我觉得前(后)一种砚观点更合理。
  3.给出原因(Giving Reasons)
  在给原因中,广州朗阁雅思英语学校整理的常用关联词有:the reason why…is that.…because of, because, since, as, fornow that, on the ground that, for the simple reason that, considering that, seeing that, due to,owing to ,for the purpose of, result from, thanks to 等。   例文A: One might wonder why .,The increase in ... is due to the fact that…人们可能会奇怪为什么会出现……在……上增长的原因是由于这样的事实…… 例文B: There are numerous reasons why…,and I shall here explore only a few of themost important ones·为什么……有许多原因,在这里我仅向大家剖析重要的几个。
  4.描述结果(Describing Results)
  常用的关联词有:as a result of, for that reason, therefore, so. thus, consequently, as aconsequence, with the result that, result in. lead to, hence, accordingly, so(such)…that.…in this way, on that account等。   例文A: Unfortunately, the Cascade Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, so close to the westcoast, catch the largest share of the rain off the Pacific Ocean before it can go further inland. Asa result, there is too little rain for almost the whole western half of the United States, which lies inthe "rain shadow" of the mountains. In a great part of that territory, therefore, farmers must depend on irrigation water from the snows or rains that are trapped by the mountains.不幸的是,喀斯喀特山脉和内华达山脉太贴近西海岸了,截住了来自太平洋的大部分雨水,使它无法进入内陆。结果,美国的整个西半边几乎处在遮掉雨水的大山脉的“雨影”之下,雨水极少。   因此这个地区大部分地方的农民必须依靠高山峻岭积存的雨雪供灌溉之用。   例文B: With the development of modem industry, more and more people are flowing intobig cities. Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.   随着现代工业的发展,越来越多的人涌入大城市结果,大城市的住房问题变得越来越严重。
  5.阐述目的(Presenting Intentions)
  常用的关联词有:so that, in order that, in order to ,so as to, for fear that, in case,lest等。   例文A: The examination is useful for students. Through examination the students can becomeaware of which aspects they have not done well, so that they will make much improvement intheir study.测试对学生很有帮助。通过测验,学生能够了解哪些方面他们没有学好,以便在将来的学习中取得进步。   例文B: Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modem world. In order一。solvethe problem of air pollution, some automobile manufacturers are trying to build a car that does notpollute and some inventors are working on cars powered by steam and electricity.空气污染是当代社会的主要问题之一。为了解决空气污染的问题.一些汽车生产厂商正在试图建造没有污染的汽车。一些发明家也在研制用汽或电为车提供动力。
  6.进行比较和对照(Contrasting and Comparing)

常用的关联词有:whereas, on the contrary, but, while, however, on the other hand, incomparison with, compared to (with),in contrast to (with),differ...from...,instead of,rather than等。
  7.表明相似性(Showing Similarity)
  常用的关联词有:likewise, similarly, equally,in the same way,to be identical in everyaspect, to he similar to,to he of the same, the same as,as/so...as...等。
  8. 描述转折或未预料的结果(Describing Unexpected Results)

常用的关联词有:but, however, though, although, even if (though),despite, despite thefact that, in spite of, notwithstanding (the fact) that等。
  9.提出假设或条件(Providing Conditions)
  常用的关联词有:in case, if. unless, as (so) long as, provided ( providing)that, suppose(supposing) that, assuming that, on condition that, given that, in the event(that)等。
  10.表示排除(Expressing Exceptions)
  常用的关联词有:except, apart from, without, with the exception of 等。   例文A: This apparition was so strange and so solemn, that everyone rose with the exceptionof Carlini, who remained seated, and ate and drank calmly这一幕突然出现的景象是这样奇特,这样严肃,以致大家都站了起来,只有卡烈尼例外,他仍旧坐着,镇定地吃着喝着。   例文B: Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society. Withoutit, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion.在文明社会的一切公务中,遵守时时间是必不可少的习惯。如果没有这种习惯,那就任何事情也办不成。
  11.提出进一步的观点(Providing Further Points)

常用的关联词有:furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition, not only ... but also,…also等。
  12 .进行总结(Summarizing)
  常用的关联词有:in short, in a word, in conclusion, to sum up, on the whole, in brief,all in all, in summary等。   例文A: In short, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusionthat ...简而言之,考虑到所有这些因素,我们可以得出如下的结论……例文B: All in all, TV advertising plays a very important role in our competitive economicsociety. With abundant information available on TV, we can make sensible choices as consumers.   总之,电视广告在充满竞争的经济社会起到非常重要的作用。由于电视上的这些丰富信息,我们消费者可以更好地进行选择。
  下面,广州朗阁雅思英语学校以一段完整的篇章为例,帮助大家体会多种逻辑纽带在语篇中的衔接作用。   例文:Making cities greener can bring us a lot of benefits. First, it can improve ourenvironment. Trees can produce oxygen; as a result, they provide us clean air. Furthermore, withtrees around the city, the acid rain and dust storm will disappear. Second, making cities greeneralso means making cities beautiful. For example, Singapore is known as a beautiful garden…Finally, making cities greener can benefit us economically…In conclusion, we should…

点评:在上例中,First, Second, Finally表示顺序.分别列举绿化带来的多种好处;As aresult表明结果,Furthermore引出进一步说明,For example用于列举事例,In conclusion进行总结。广州朗阁雅思英语学校小编认为找连接词的运用,犹如在每两个意思间架起一座桥梁,使篇章的展开通顺、自然、连贯,一气呵成。
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