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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-11 04:46:59  浏览次数:50
核心提示:  12月香港考点ACT考试写作真题与范文,ACT考试与SAT考试均被称为“美国高考”,它们既是美国大学的入学条件之一,又是大学发放奖学金的主要依据之一及对学生综合能力的测试标准。以下就是广州易藤教育小编为您整理的:12月香港考点ACT考试
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  12月香港考点ACT考试写作真题与范文,ACT考试与SAT考试均被称为“美国高考”,它们既是美国大学的入学条件之一,又是大学发放奖学金的主要依据之一及对学生综合能力的测试标准。以下就是广州易藤教育小编为您整理的:12月香港考点ACT考试写作真题与范文。   Should the government laws rule that teenagers stay at home during the regulated time every night?   12月13日ACT香港考场作文范文:   Seen as the apples of a country's eyes, teenagers as a special group of youth are often brought under hot attention. The related issues of their academic performance, diverse interests, secrets of growth and personal safety constantly arouse people's debates and wait to see more justified conclusions of the society. Under the claim of so called “for teenagers' consideration”, some educators and supervisors strongly hold that government laws should impose stricter rules which require teenagers to spend time at home every night to guarantee them sound and safe environment. Yes, we do meet challenges when teenagers grow up, but solely shying away from the possible problems and holding up demands lead to no solutions but might backfire sometime. Thus, instead of regulating teenager's time staying at home evening at night, government should seek better ways to promise their healthy growth.   Firstly, more rigid limitations on teenagers may trigger their rebellious consciousness that results in aversion to guidance from adults. We attach so much significance to teenagers that they have to face abundant burdens from every aspect. They are required to follow various school codes and control their surging hormones to behave as well as possible. They are told to prepare all the quizzes, tests, papers in class and all the games, matches, competitions after class. They listen to their parents to be good kids, try efforts to meet Dads' expectations and digest frustrations of academy and despair of first love silently. Pressure mounts! They can well use the evening to do something they like and relieve the stress accumulated in the day. If the laws were to enforce unreasonable regulation on teenagers to stay at home, they would be deprived of the scarce time of enjoyment at night. When the “protection” of society goes beyond the boundary, it may touch teenagers' tense nerves and fire their rebellious spirit. Such rule is seen as not only an obvious invasion of their private time but also absurd restraints from the society, leading to worse consequences like thought conflictions and protestant silence that benefit neither side.   Secondly, society should put adequate trusts in the more educated children who can regulate themselves better and save the society lots of troubles. Worried about teenagers' lack of personal discipline, people might argue the great possibility of their gang violence, sexual behaviors and other headaches of parents and school supervisors. However, society progresses, especially in the area of education. Teenagers now receive considerate and complete education of both knowledge and personality, differently from the previous generation. They learn from various outstanding role models and gradually form their mature judgment of what's right or wrong under the up-graded education system. Moreover, widespread media also become teenagers' best teachers to demonstrate the society in diverse angles and show them the virtues of welldoing and penalties of wrong doing. These formal and informal directions help teenagers to think deeply and reflect on themselves. They tend to make wiser choices in daily life, not as those skeptical educators contend. Thus, the night time should be freed and a new generation of teenagers deserves the society' trust.

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