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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-11 05:03:22  浏览次数:65
核心提示:  托福写作范文|整理房间的托福写作范文与解析。托福考试作文是一个大的得分点,但是有很多托福考生没能把握好导致失分严重。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  托福写作范文|整理房间的托福写作范文与解析。托福考试作文是一个大的得分点,但是有很多托福考生没能把握好导致失分严重。佛山英语根据多年的托福培训经验从出色托福作文中抽取出有代表性的范文及解析,提供给大家借鉴,以下就是佛山英语小编为您整理的:托福写作范文|整理房间的托福写作范文与解析。   托福写作范文|整理房间的托福写作范文与解析题目:   Do you agree or disagree: students who keep their rooms neat and organized will be more likely to succeed than students who do not.   题型:比较   论点:让步   角度:利弊分析   开头:同意整理房间的孩子更容易成功( 话题引入 +某方观点 +我方观点及 过渡句)   Recently an interesting question has aroused attention among students: is there any correlation between cleaning the room and success? Answers vary from one person to another. Someone claims that students keeping room neat and organized is more likely to be successful while others do not think that cleaning up the room has anything to do with success. The way I see it, students who have the habit of keeping rooms clean and tidy is more inclined to succeed than those who never do it. My viewpoint is based on the following reasons. (92 字)   中间段 1:整理房间是良好做事习惯的体现,做事井井有条。(主题句 +说理论证 +例子细节)   First, keeping room neat and organized is a reflection of a good habit of doing things in order. A student who always keeps the room neat and organized naturally will bring this good habit into work or study. There is an old saying in China that goes: “if one is too lazy to clean up his room, he is not likely to clean up the country”。 Literally, this saying can be explained that a grand objective such as taking charge of a country consists of a large number of small steps and each step needs to be taken , a student who has a messy room always messes things up. (111 字)   中间段 2:整理房间反映出一个人的自律性,而自律性是成功人士的一个 共通性。(主题句 +说理论证 +例子细节 )   Second, a student who often cleans up the room is usually self-?ヾisciplined and self-?ヾiscipline is an important character shared by almost all successful people. We all know that it is a real challenge to tidy the room regularly because the process is so tiring and boring that a very few people can actually insist on, but if someone hold on to this habit week after week and month after month, he must have a strong execution as well as persistence and diligence, which are all required qualities of a successful person. A Successful business leader-?

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