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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-11 06:45:37  浏览次数:40
核心提示:  雅思写作大作文范文|关于媒体的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  雅思写作大作文范文|关于媒体的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。深圳启德对历年常见的雅思作文考题进行分析,为广大考生提供范文与解析,以下就是深圳启德小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于媒体的雅思范文。   The media plays a valuable role in keeping us informed andentertained. However, manypeople believe it has too much power and freedom.“Discuss your views on this, givingexamples and presenting a balanced argumentboth in favor of, and against, the power andfreedom of the media.   Barely a hundred years ago, if we wanted to stay informed about whatwas going on in theworld, we had to rely on word of mouth or, at best,newspapers. But because communicationtechnology was very basic, the news wereceived was often days or weeks old.   We still have newspapers, of course, but they have changed almostbeyond we choose to read the broadsheets, with theirquality coverage of news ad other current affairs by top reporters and articlesby acclaimed journalists, or if we prefer the populartabloids, with theirlively gossip and colorful stories, we are exposed to a wealth ofinformationbarely conceivable at the beginning of the last century.   We also have television and radio. News broadcasts let us know aboutworld eventspractically as they happen, while sitcoms, chat shows addocumentaries, etc. keep us entertained and informed. And there is also theinternet, where we can access information frommillions of websites around theworld which we can then download onto our own computers.   However, these forms of information and entertainment (or”infotainment“ as they aresometimes collectively called) have their negativeside. Famous personalities frequently accusethe gutter press (and sometimeseven respectable papers) of invasion of privacy by the paparazzi who aredetermined to get a story at any cost. Newspapers are often accused of libelbyangry politicians who dislike reading lies about themselves, and there arefrequent accusations of checkbook journalism with unscrupulous reporters payingpeople to createstories for their newspapers or television programs. Ofcourse, it is not just the papers whichare to blame. Sex and violence areincreasing on the television. Undesirable people fill theinternet with equallyundesirable material which can be accessed by anyone with a home computer. Andthe fear of information overload prevents many from logging on to the Internet.   以上就是深圳启德小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于媒体的雅思范文。同时深圳启德小编也建议各位雅思学子平时多看多写雅思作文,雅思考试时才能行云流水,一气呵成。
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