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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-11 07:13:02  浏览次数:59
核心提示:  雅思写作大作文范文|关于广告投入的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  雅思写作大作文范文|关于广告投入的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。珠海启德对历年常见的雅思作文考题进行分析,为广大考生提供范文与解析,以下就是珠海启德小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于广告投入的雅思范文。   Every year billions of dollars are spent on advertising. Manyapproaches are used topersuade consumers to buy a product. Some seem to workbetter than others.   One approach, for example, is to try to make the reader or vieweridentify with the peopleshown using the product. These people seem to beglamorous, loved, successful, elite, clever,or sexy. Supposedly, anyone whouses the product can expect the same reward. Anotherapproach is to let theproduct speak for itself; people are attracted to scrumptious food,beautifulclothing, and sleek new cars. Sometimes good prices and special deals are for complicated products, such as computers, may provide a lot by celebrities are especially common.   In general, many of the ads succeed. People do tend to buy what theysee advertised.   However, some advertising can backfire. People may be offended,for example, by ads that areoverly sexy or ones that viciously orsarcastically attack competitors' products.   Advertising can be a useful aid for the consumer. It helps a personlearn what is new or instyle or handy to have around, what things cost, andwhere to buy them. To use thisinformation effectively, however, a person mustlearn to look past the emotional appeals andfind the facts   以上就是珠海启德小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于广告投入的雅思范文。同时珠海启德小编也建议各位雅思学子平时多看多写雅思作文,雅思考试时才能行云流水,一气呵成。
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