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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-11 08:16:06  浏览次数:52
核心提示:  雅思写作大作文范文|关于离婚率的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  雅思写作大作文范文|关于离婚率的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。广州新航道对历年常见的雅思作文考题进行分析,为广大考生提供范文与解析,以下就是广州新航道小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于离婚率的雅思范文。   Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100years ago. Now, however,almost half of all marriages fail. This phenomenon issymptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern this essay, I intend to explore the sources of thisproblem along with somepossible solutions to it.   Chief among the causes of this problem is the modern 's parents have towork harder than those of previous generations tosupport their families. Traditionally, oneparent assumed the role ofbreadwinner, while the other-typically the mother-acted as , though, double income families have become the norm. Consequently,anincreasing number of children now grow up in a parentless environment. Littlewonder, then,that they feel alienated. Another contributing factor is thepassive and solitary nature of manymodern forms of entertainment.   In order to solve this sense of alienation within families, Ibelieve we must first address itsroot causes. Perhaps the most effectivemethod of doing this would be for governments tooffer financial incentives toparents who choose to remain at home and take care of , such incentives would probably not fully compensate couples for lostincome; however, they would at least soften the hardship of living on a singleincome andprovide an alternative for parents who would rather remain at homebut are unable to do sobecause of financial constraints. One further measurewould be to promote more interactiveleisure activities in the communitythrough public education campaigns.   In conclusion, I believe that this is clearly a problem of suchcomplexity that no solution islikely in the short term. However, I believethat the measures outlined above would constitute agood first step.   以上就是广州新航道小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于关于离婚率的雅思范文。同时广州新航道小编也建议各位雅思学子平时多看多写雅思作文,雅思考试时才能行云流水,一气呵成。
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