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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-11 20:56:37  浏览次数:73
核心提示:  商务英语口语900句|外贸英语怎么给予优惠,以下就是韦博英语为您整理的商务英语口语900句|外贸英语怎么给予优惠,大家一起来学习下吧。   On order for 100 pieces or more we are all
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  商务英语口语900句|外贸英语怎么给予优惠,以下就是韦博英语为您整理的商务英语口语900句|外贸英语怎么给予优惠,大家一起来学习下吧。   On order for 100 pieces or more we are allow a special discount for %.   订单为100件或更多,我们将给你%的特别折扣   A discount of 5% maybe allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1000 cents.   若每一规格的数量超过1000分的话,5%的折扣可能被允许   For quantities if 500 units we can offer a discount of 15% on our price list.   如果订单数量为500套的话,我们可以在价格单基础上给予15%的折扣   We are glad to make a 5% discount for a order of 100 dozen or more.   对于订单为100打或更多,我们乐意给予5%的折扣   We should be please to allow you the requested discount of 5% ,if you will to raise your order to 50,000 pieces.   如果你将订单增加到50,000件的话,我们乐意给你所要求的5%的折扣   We would entitle you to 10% discount during July on any thing you buy   对你七月份购买的任何产品,我们有权力给你10%的折扣   You can receive a special 15% discount on orders place before the end of December.   十二月底前你们可获得订单15%的特别折扣   If your order is large enough we are ready to reduce our prices by 5%.   如果你的订单足够大,我们准备给你降价5%   There is a 10% discount if your order in volume.   若你的订单庞大,可有10%的折扣   If an order is exceptional large, we are prepare to increase the discount.   如果订单格外大,我们准备增加折扣   If you are willing to buy the whole lot once and for all ,we can grant you a discount of 8% on the price.   若你能一次买一整套或更多,我们同意在价格上给你8%的折扣   To help you sell our product as an exception we will give you a special discount of 5% .   为帮你销售我们的产品,我们额外给你5%的特别折扣   We will bring our price down by 5% for a good start for business relationships.   为了我们业务关系的良好开端,我们将降价5%   In order to close this deal, we shall further reduce our price by 5%.   为了成交,我们将进一步降价5%   For the sake of our long-term friendship ,we are going to accept the price reduction on the radios. How about 6% off?   为了长期的友谊,我们准备接受收音机降价,降6%如何   In order to help you to develop business in this line, we are prepare to offer you a discount of 5%.   为帮助你在该行业开展业务,我们准备给你5%的折扣   In order to wind up this transaction with you we are ready to take 3% off this original quotation.   为了和你加强联系,我们已经在原来的报价上降价3%   After careful consideration ,we decide to bring the price down to 420$/ unit.   经过认真考虑,我们决定每套降到420美金   We are prepare to offer our computers to you at the special discount rate of 15%.   我们正准备对我司计算机给你15%的特别折扣   Our quotation is subject to 5% commission.   我们的报价还需再加上5%的佣金   以上就是韦博英语为您整理的商务英语口语900句|外贸英语怎么给予优惠,英语在于多练,行动起来,攻克商务英语口语吧。
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