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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-13 21:02:36  浏览次数:70
核心提示:  雅思口语兴趣爱好范文,休闲爱好是人们生活的一部分,关于休闲方式的选择、变化及个人偏好,在第一阶段是高频话题。在近年的考试中,关于音乐、舞蹈、收藏等问题出现得较多。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  1. Do you like listening to music?   - Yes, I really do. Listening to music is the best way to get me relaxed. It takes mymind off other cares of the day. Also, music is a good stress reliever for me.   - Yes, I do, very much so. I'd have to say music is part of my life. I listen to music onmy MP3 player when I take the bus or subway; I tune on the radio to my favoritemusic station when I drive; when I'm at home I turn on the stereo system and listento my favorite music.   - No, not really. I have no particular taste for music. I haven't got an MP3 player orstereo system like most of my peers do. I don't mind listening to music very much.
  2. What kinds of music do you most often listen to?   - I think it's jazz music. There're several radio stations about jazz music in Beijing. Ialso downloaded hundreds of jazz music on MP3 player. So it's easy for me to searchfor my favorite music.   - It's hard to say exactly. My mood determines what music I listen to. When I feelupset or in low spirit, I listen to some rock or that sort of things to cheer me up.   - It really depends. Classical music puts me in a relaxed mood and is great to listen towhen preparing meals and for dining. When cleaning the house, I like somethingupbeat to motivate me.
  3. When do you listen to music?   - I listen to music whenever I can, in the morning, during the noon break, or beforegoing to bed. I think listening to music is the best way to keep me energetic.   - I usually listen to music at night before going to bed. I listen to some soft andsoothing music to help me fall asleep sooner.   - I listen to music when I do some paper work in the office. It seems that music canmake the job easier and less boring.
  4. Do you think parents should encourage their children to learn a musical instrument?   - Yes, I think so. Learning a musical instrument helps children become more disciplined. Bylearning a musical instrument they can see that regular practice makes perfect. Also, itimproves their confidence, especially when they join a performance.   - No, I don't think so. Whether children should learn a musical instrument should bedecided by children themselves. In China there're so many children who learn amusical instrument unwillingly. In fact, their parents don't encourage them to learnbut force them to do so.
  5. What are the benefits for a child from learning to play a musical instrument?   - I reckon the biggest benefit is that it makes children smarter. Also, by learningplaying an instrument children become more patient. Finally, playing an instrumentalso helps children express their feelings and emotions.
  6. Which instrument do you like listening to most? Why?   - I enjoy listening to the piano most. The reason is simple: it's pleasing to theear. Besides, piano is a versatile instrument. In terms of power and expressiveness,no other instruments can match it.   - I'm fond of listening to the violin, including the violin solo, concerto and symphony.   Although it sounds a little far-fetched, I do think the violin is one of the mostbeautiful instruments in existence. And the most important, of course, is that thesound of the violin is enchanting.
  7. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? Which one?   - Yes, I have. I started learning to play the piano when I was a child, say 6 yearsold. At the beginning it was hard. You know, you need to learn to move your fingers and hands independently of each other. Besides, keeping the posture of sittingin front of the piano for one hour or longer is also a torture. But anyway, I learnedlots of pieces of tunes. It gave me a sense of achievement.
  8. Do you enjoy dancing?   - Yes, I really do. It doesn't matter to what kind of music, but my favorite dance is afree dance in a disco club with my friends. I don't know how good I am, but it's justa lot of fun to get out there and shake it all night long.   - Yes, definitely. I began to learn Latin dance three years ago. It has totally changedmy life. My confidence grows when I dance. On top of that, dancing gives me a fun,safe and energetic way to enjoy my free time.   - No, not really. Dancing is not my thing. I was never great at it. Whenever I went toa club with my friends all I could do is move back and forth. Anything else is out ofmy capabilities.   - Definitely not. To be honest, I don't like dancing at all. It is not my style and itdoesn't interest me. I feel it boring to sway my body to noisy music.
  9. Has anyone ever taught you to dance?   - Yes. You know, I learnedweekends. The instructordance three years ago. I took classes in a club onus the fundamental steps. He was professional,strict and patient as well.   - No, not really. I usually do aerobic dancing to keep fit. Although technically it's nota dance, it still involves body movement and rhythm. I learned it on TV.
  10. Do you enjoy collecting?   - Yes, I do. I've begun collecting dolls when I was 5. 1 think if you are a womanunder the age of 60 then you most likely owned a doll when you were a kid. I keepall my dolls in my cupboard and they're really my treasures.   - No, not exactly. I hate clutter. I know some persons who are a bit of rat-pack. Theylike to collect what attract them and keep the stuff in the cabinet or attic. I do appreciate some delicate handicrafts, paintings or something like that,but I don'tcollect them.   更多雅思考试资讯请进入【广州启德教育】/member/   更多雅思考试培训请进入【广州雅思培训】
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