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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-14 15:57:18  浏览次数:38
核心提示:少儿英语故事:兔子 Rabbit Finds a Home Rabbit has grow up. “There are too many rabbits in this hole! It is time
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
少儿英语故事:兔子 Rabbit Finds a Home Rabbit has grow up. “There are too many rabbits in this hole! It is time to leave the am going to find my own home,”the oldest rabbit says. Rabbit decides to look in a different hole. “You cannot live is my home!” shouts Mouse. So,Rabbit hops into the forest. He looks into another hole. “You cannot live is my home!” shouts Squirrel. Rabbit looks for a new hole,one he can call his own. “You cannot live is my home!” shouts Ground Hog. Rabbit is cannot find a home. Rabbit does not see Eagle flying high in the sky. At that time,the beautiful White Rabbit saw Eagle. “Quickly,come inside!”she shouts. “Thank you so much. You have saved my life!”Rabbit says. “You’re welcome,”White Rabbit answers. “What a roomy hole you have! I wish I had a hole like this!”he says. Rabbit was surprised by how big the hole was. “I am all alone in this big don’t you stay here with me?” White Rabbit asks.”Thank will stay ,I have found a home!”says Rabbit. Move mouse across the screen. 译文: 兔子找到家 兔子已经长大了。 “这个洞里面有太多的兔子! 到时候离开这个窝了。我要去寻找我自己的家,”这只兔子说。 兔子决定顺便看看不同的洞。 “你不能住在这里。这是我的家!” 老鼠喊道。 于是,兔子跳进了森林里。 他查看了另一个洞。 “你不能住在这里。这是我的家!” 松树喊道。 兔子寻找一个新洞,一个他能称作自己的洞。 “你不能住在这里。这是我的家!” 土拨鼠喊到。 兔子很伤心。他不能找到一个家。 兔子没有看到鹰在高空中飞翔。 这时候,美丽的白兔看到了鹰。 “快点儿,进来!”她喊到。 ”太感谢你了。 你救了我的性命!”  学习少儿英语知识请进入【广州少儿英语培训】
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