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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-18 15:23:15  浏览次数:87
核心提示:  想要取得托福写作的高分希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下托福写作技巧是什么,广州环球雅思小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于花钱与存钱的托福作文范文。
  Do you prefer to spe
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  Do you prefer to spend money on travelling or to save money for future use? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.   Personally, I prefer spending money on travelling to saving money for the future,but I think both are important. Money buys opportunity; we can exchange it for new experiences, such as traveling or participating in new activities. As well as making lifefun and interesting, these new experiences have a significant benefit. From them, we not only expand our knowledge of the world but also we come across new ideas and learn how others see the world. This makes us more rational and open-minded and enablesus to make better decisions in our own lives. People who do not travel miss these experiences and their horizons do not expand.   Admittedly, saving money creates a more secure future. For instance, we can pay for medical treatment or buy an apartment, but if we save everything then we miss the opportunities of the present. As far as I am concerned, this is a great waste. Life is very short and no one knows when he or she will die, and we cannot afford to give up fun and opportunities to experience new things. Some of these opportunities only come once in a lifetime. By saving all their money, people are limiting their personal development and keeping their minds closed in order to accumulate money.   I am not suggesting that we should spend all our money on travelling and enjoying life and save nothing for the future. The way I see it, we need to find a balance so that these new experiences do not have a negative impact on our future. It is fine to give up somefuture security but we should not make our futures insecure. We have a responsibility to our families to save some money but we should not make saving for the future our main goal in life. Otherwise, we miss the things that make life worthwhile.

  译文   你偏向于花钱出去旅游还是存钱以备后用?列出明确理由,举例说明你的观点。   以我个人来说,我更偏向于花钱旅行而不是存钱以备后用,但这两者都是很重要的。金钱可以买到机会,我们可以用它来交换新的经历.例如旅行或参加新活动。这些新的人生经验不仅让人生充满乐趣,还具有重大的意义。从这些经验中,我们不仅拓宽了对世界的了解,还接受了新的知识,学习他人看世界的方式。这使我们变得更加理性和开明,并帮助我们在人生中做出更佳的决定。不去旅行的人将错过这些经历,他们的视野将得不到开阔。   必须承认的是,存储金钱创造了更有保障的未来。例如,我们可以支付医疗费用或购买一套公寓,但如果存储所有钱,我们会错过很多当下的机遇。而我认为这是一种极大的浪费。人生太短,没人能预测生命终止的时间,我们承担不起放弃体验新事物的乐趣和机会所带来的损失.因为有些机会是千载难逢的。将所有钱都存起来,人们会因此限制自身的发展,为了存钱而封闭了自己的思维。   我并非在此建议大家花费所有的金钱来旅游和享受生活,而不为未来储蓄。在我看来,我们需要找到一个平衡点,在获得新体验的同时不对未来生活造成不良影响。放弃一点未来的保障是可以的,但是我们不能让我们的未来完全没有保障。我们有责任为家庭存钱,但不该把存钱作为今后人生的主要目标。否则,我们将错过很多的人生精彩。

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