1.你知道我在申请时需要些什么吗? Do you know what I need in my application?
2.我希望住在学校内。 I hope to live on the campus.
3.你能详细说说我怎样获得奖学金吗? Could you tell me in detail how I can get a scholarship?
4.我很想申请这里的研究生院。 I am interested in applying for graduate school here.
5.所有的研究生必须要有GRE或是GMAT的成绩。 All graduate students must have GRE or GMAT scores.
6.申请研究生院的学生应该有三封推荐信。 Applicants to the graduate school should have three letters of recommendation.
7.他们应该持有前学校的正式大学成绩单。 They should have official university tran锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌s from their previous school.
8.我会去申请其他国家的学习签证。 II have to apply for a study visa to another country instead.
9.我这学期可以选修别的课程吗?还是工程学会占用我所有的时间? Can I take other courses this semester or will Engineering take up all of my time?
I have a scholarship from the university for four years.
11.政府给我提供学费助学金,其余还是自掏腰包。 I have a tuition scholarship from the .I' m on one’s own12.我上学期没看到这个课程,所以这学期才上。
I didn't find out about this class last semester. So I’m taking it this semester.
13.一下子适应这么多新东西是件不容易的事。 It’s hard to get used to so many things.
14.如果你不会沙小路会很费时间的。 That takes time if you don't know the short cuts.