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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-18 23:51:31  浏览次数:70
核心提示:  SAT写作时间为25分钟,要求就作文命题中的一对对立论点阐述自己的观点,无字数限制。深圳环球教育为大家整理了一篇SAT写作范文,这篇获得高分的SAT写作考试范文的主要是关于电脑游戏的,大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候根据自己的实
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  Perhaps it is a worldwide phenomenon that teenage boys have an obsession with computers and online video games. One of my Chinese friends in Austin is among this group. As soon as he gets home, he drops his backpack and turns on his computer, and only the clacking of keyboard buttons can be heard. Despite many calls from his parents to eat dinner, he is so hooked that he cannot stop, sometimes even putting aside the next day's due school assignments to play. His parents are angry and decide to take action to control his playing: his dad, an IBM employee, writes a program that allows only two hours of Internet for the boy; but this doesn't deter him at all as there are many games that can be played without the web. Finally, in desperation, his dad takes the keyboard away to work every day, carrying it in his backpack everywhere he goes. When Dad comes home, the keyboard is returned. He is therefore called “a Keyboard Dad. ” Slightly a hassle, but only in this way can Dad be satisfied, only this way can Dad think that his child is playing less computer games, at the expense of causing relationship friction between the two people.   My computer usage is a bit less than his. This is due to clear goals and prioritization of usage of my time, partly due to an essay I had once written in Chinese, “The Pros and Cons of Computer Usage for Teenagers. ” I expressed that computers were an interesting human invention, because at the press of a button, many tasks could be done: instant messaging, researching materials, buying items online, reading news, etc. These all become easy, and humanity soon can't leave the computer and Internet anymore.   However, the system is not without faults. My parents said that teenagers' eyes are still developing; playing online too long will do much more damage than to an adult's eyes, increasing the degree of nearsightedness. In addition, anyone can post their opinions online; these opinions don't have to be correct. Some aren't suited for teenagers, perhaps to the point of harm. If unable to verify or judge these sites,teenagers could be easily led astray.   Typically I use the computer at home to check teachers' and the school's web sites for upcoming events and assignments; I gather and find information for classes,especially for the labor-intensive debate class which sometimes requires printing excessively; using multimedia programs I sometimes animate cartoons. Once, for a Chinese history project, I had to depict the anti-Japanese movement of World War II in China. Using the computer, I made a ten-minute-long flash animation, complete with text, pictures, and sound, exemplifying the Sino defensive underground historical movement. My teacher and classmates liked it.   Of course I also use the computer to relax. Sometimes after finishing homework I play music, letting it unwind my mood and nerves. On weekends and holidays I've spent hours playing games; my parents have protested, wanting me to cut back on chatting with friends and games.   Overall the Internet and computer systems show the progress of humanity. Using the computer correctly and not giving in to temptation can give our youth increased knowledge.   以上就是关于电脑游戏的SAT作文范文,深圳环球教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。   Comments:Incredible strong opening sentence. Good insight into possible problems of using the computer too much,and excellent personal stories.   评语:开头的句子难以置信地有力。对过多地使用电脑可能引发的问题有很好的见地。个人故事也很出色。   深圳环球教育也为大家准备了关于电脑游戏的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  十几岁的男孩子对电脑和网上的电子游戏有一种痴迷,这恐怕是一种全球性的现象。我的一位住在奥斯汀的中国朋友便是其中之一。他一回到家就扔下背包,打开电脑,然后就只听见键盘的敲击声。尽管他的父母多次叫他去吃晚饭,他却是如此沉迷其中,以至于停不下来,有时甚至将第二天要交的作业搁置一旁,只顾玩电脑。他的父母很生气,决定采取行动控制他玩电脑:他爸爸是IBM公司的雇员,他编写了一个程序,只允许男孩上网两个小时;不过,这可一点儿也阻止不了他,因为有很多游戏不用上网就能玩呢。后,在绝望中,他爸爸每天将键盘带去上班,走到哪儿,键盘便背到哪儿。当爸爸回到家,键盘也就回来了。他因此被称为“键盘爸爸”。虽然这样做有些麻烦,但只有这样才能让爸爸满意,只有这样爸爸才认为他的孩子可以少玩一些电脑游戏,由此付出的代价是导致两人关系不和。   我用电脑比他少一些。这是由于我有明确的目标,在时间使用上有主次安排,也部分归因于我曾写过的一篇中文作文《青少年使用电脑的利弊》。我在文中写道,电脑是一件有趣的人类发明,因为按下一个按钮,许多工作便可以完成:实时通信,查找资料,网上购物,阅读新闻等等。所有这些都变得很方便,人类很快便会再也离不开电脑和网络。   不过,电脑网络也不是毫无缺陷的。我的父母说,青少年的眼睛还没有发育好,如果在网上玩得太久,对眼睛造成的伤害比对成年人的要大得多,导致近视加重。再者,任何人都可以将自己的观点发布到网上,这些观点并不都正确,有的不适合青少年,甚至对他们有害。如果不能对这些网站加以核实或者判断,青少年很容易被引入歧途。   通常,我在家里使用电脑上网查看老师和学校的网页,了解将要开展的活动和布置的作业;我为上课收集和查找信息,特别是需要花大力气的辩论课,有时还必须打印大量的资料;我有时还会使用多媒体程序制作动画片。有一次,我要在一个关于中国历史的设计项目描述中国在第二次世界大战中的抗日运动。我用电脑制作了一部十分钟长的动画,合成了文字、图片和声音,体现了中国历史上的地下抗日运动。我的老师和同学们都喜欢这部动画。   当然,我也利用电脑来放松。有时,做完家庭作业后,我会放音乐,以松弛我的情绪和神经。在周末和假日里,我曾经花几个小时玩游戏;我的父母抗议过,想要我缩短在网上与朋友聊天和玩游戏的时间。   总之,网络和电脑系统展现了人类的进步。正确使用电脑,不陷入诱惑之中,会使我们青少年增长知识。   这只体型健壮的宠物狗有一次还和我妈妈开了个玩笑,把她吓个半死。那是一个冬天的晚上,妈妈取了信,一边往回走,一边心不在焉地看着手里的信件,完全没有注意到她周围的情况。突然,她觉得有人伸过头来窥视她的信和报纸。她以为是我在捣乱,然而当她终于抬起头来,看见的不是我,而是一只大狗的眼睛,她立即大惊失色。她将信和报纸一扔,向前冲出了几米远,然后回过头来张望。那狗却仍然站在那儿,一动也不动,静默无声,一副谦谦君子的样子,好像在说:“你为什么这么不高兴呀?我只不过是看看报纸而己嘛。”我的朋友,即这只狗的主人,笑着说:“你看!我的狗可一点儿也没有动;你倒是被吓坏了的那一个!”   美国人喜爱各种各样的宠物,与它们保持了良好的关系。有的外来移民将拥有汽车、房子、绿卡和宠物看作是实现美国梦的四个重要的目标。
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