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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-19 00:06:04  浏览次数:64
核心提示:  SAT写作时间为25分钟,要求就作文命题中的一对对立论点阐述自己的观点,无字数限制。珠海雅思托福培训学校为大家整理了一篇SAT写作范文,这篇获得高分的SAT写作考试范文的主要是关于实践课的,大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候根据自
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  American education is very interactive, and the problems projects that teachers assign train students' reading, observation, and hands-on skills.   I remember in elementary school a teacher required, as an assignment, students to find a type of snake, and through researching text and pictures, to explain the size, color, habits, diet, status of venom, and other attributes of the snake. When all the work was turned in, a few moms helped tack them onto the wall for the students' viewing pleasure. This was useful because although every student did deep research on a different snake, now, on the wall, students could compare theirs with other types, or judge the distance of knowledge between classmates. I remember one of my friends researched the rattlesnake, intricately describing its shape, size, movement, and special aspects of its rattle. The teacher wrote on the back of his paper: “Thanks for the facts on rattlesnakes. Next time I hear that rattle, wherever I am, I'll run far away! ”   Another time a teacher wanted us to research deep-sea fish and write an essay on them, in addition to making a 3-D model. Taking into consideration the lack of light deep in the ocean, I made an emphasis on the head of my model and hung a light bulb on a metal wire attached to it. The light bulb worked, throwing off dazzling brightness. These fish were all hung on the ceiling. Classmates saw mine and chuckled, admiring the creativity; but humor aside, I wrote in my essay that because in the deepest parts of the ocean there is little light, the vision functions of these fish has devolved,compensated by other functions which have grown better. This was the biggest difference between deep-sea and normal fish. Of course, some, like mine, really did produce their own light. In the process of researching materials and studying pictures, the students learned loads about nature and formed their own hypotheses.   Because there are many assignments like this, my parents bought a lot of supplies in elementary school: poster board, colored markers, etc. To turn in these projects, I would sometimes bother my parents to drive me to school, so my work wouldn't be ruined on the bus trip.   If you see a bunch of kids running about, carrying brightly colored posters, it'sprobably a due date for some school project!   以上就是关于实践课的SAT作文范文,珠海雅思托福培训学校邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。
  Comments:A lesson in the concept of comparing and contrasting. This story displays how teaching tools enhance a student's formal and informal education. Good lesson.   评语:文章讲述了一堂教会学生做比较和做对照的课。这个故事展现了教学工具是如何加强对学生的正式和非正式的教育效果的。真是一堂好课。   珠海雅思托福培训学校也为大家准备了关于实践课的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  美国的教育互动性很强,老师布置的作业题能训练学生的阅读、观察和动手能力。   我记得上小学的时候,一位老师布置了一道作业题,要求学生们找出某一种蛇,通过文字和图片,说明蛇的大小、颜色、生活习性、食物、有无毒性以及其他特点。当所有的作业都交上去之后,几位妈妈们帮着将作业钉到墙上,让同学们欣赏。这很有益,因为虽然每一个同学都对某种蛇进行了深入的研究,但现在,他们可以从墙上的作业来比较自己和别人研究的蛇,或者判断同学之间在知识上的差距。我记得我一位朋友研究的是响尾蛇,他细致入微地描述了它的形态、大小、运动方式以及蛇尾发出的特殊响声。老师在他的作业背面写道:“谢谢你所描述的关于响尾蛇的情况。下一次无论在哪儿,只要听见那种‘嘎啦嘎啦’的响声,我都会跑得远远的!”   还有一次,一位老师要求我们研究深海鱼,并写一篇关于深海鱼的短文,另外再制作一个三维立体模型。考虑到海洋深处没有光,我重点处理了我的模型鱼的头部,把一段铁丝系在它的头部,铁丝的另一头连着一只电灯泡。电灯泡一通电,便射出耀眼的光。这些深海鱼的模型全都挂在天花板上。同学们看到我的作品时都咯咯笑了,并称赞它富有创意;不过,幽默归幽默,我在短文里写道:因为在海洋的深处几乎没有光,所以这些鱼类的视觉功能退化了,靠其他一些比较灵敏的功能来补偿。这是深海鱼和普通鱼之间区别。当然,有些鱼,比如像我做的这种,真的能自己发光。在查资料和研究图片的过程中,同学们学到了许多关于自然界的知识,并且形成了自己的一些假设。   因为有许多像这样的作业,我的父母在我小学阶段里买了大量的学习用品:张贴海报的纸板、颜色标记笔等等。交这样的作业时,有时还得麻烦父母开车送我到学校,这样我的作品就不会在坐校车的途中损坏了。   如果你看见一群群的孩子们带着五颜六色的纸板到处奔跑,也许那天正是交作业的后一天!
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