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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-19 00:26:30  浏览次数:52
核心提示:  想要取得托福写作的高分希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下托福写作技巧是什么,广州环球教育小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于化肥和杀虫剂的托福作文范文。

  Topic:   Mod
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Topic:   Modern technology, such as fertilizer, pesticide and modern machinery can feed the world better. However, it is negative to human health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?   
Sample Answer   With the rapid development of science, many modern agricultural technologies, such as fertilizerand modern machinery have been applied with the view to enhance the output of , this increases the volume of crops. But in the meanwhile, some people show their great concerns about the negative effects aroused by modern agriculture.   Firstly, the utilization of fertilizer causes great changes of the structure of soil. In the long run,this will make the soil infertile, which means that we can only have a good harvest with the help of fertilizer. Furthermore, the change of the structure of soil can cause serious environment problem.   Secondly, pesticide can kill most of the insects harmful to crops. But at the same time, it also kills many insects, which are friendly to the crops and human beings. The abuse of pesticide also seriously threatens the health of human beings. When people eat the vegetable and crops with pesticide sediment, their health will be in danger and their digest system and neural system will be damaged.   Finally, the use of modern machinery saves people a lot of time and energy. But this will cause serious environmental problems. In the ancient times, most of the field labor is undertaken manually or with the help of some tamed animals, such as cattle and horses. But now, modern machinery takes the place of human beings and animals and plays a major role in modern agriculture, which will cause serious environment pollution and the scarcity of natural resources.   To sum up, the employment of modern technology helps to improve peoples living, butmeanwhile, we should raise the awareness of protecting our environment and us and takes some measures to ensure people's health.


  题目:   现代技术,如化肥、农药和现代机械能更好地养活地球人。然而,它对人类健康的有负面影响。在何种程度上你同意或不同意?   
译文:   科学的迅速发展使得现代农业技术,如化肥和现代机械,迅速地提高了农作物的产量。毋庸置疑,农作物的产量是增加了,但是同时一些人也担心现代农业带来的负面影响。   首先,化肥的使用引起了土壤结构很大的变化。土地将因此不再肥沃了,化肥的使用仅仅能帮助我们取得一次大丰收,而月土地结构的改变引起了严重的环境问题。   第二,杀虫剂杀死了很多危害农作物的昆虫,但是同时它也杀死了对人类和农作物有益的昆虫。杀虫剂的滥用,严重地威胁了人类的健康。当人们吃了沾有杀虫剂的蔬菜和谷物时,似门的健康将处在危险之中,他们的消化和神经系统将受到损害。   后,使用现代机械节省了人们的时间和精力,但是,这也会引起严重的环境问题。在古代,很多的田间工作都是人工或家畜协助完成的,如牛和马,然而目前现代机械取代了动物和人,在现代农业中起着重要作用,不仅带来了严重的环境污染,同时也牺牲了自然资源。   总而言之,现代技术的使用是提高了人们的生活,但是同时我们也应该时刻警醒保护环境和我们自己,确保人民身体健康。
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