深圳美联英语小编认为,典型例句是对话的基础,一些漂亮的句子能给人惊艳的感觉,小编为您整理初次见面英语对话常用句子。 “It's my turn to buy a round.”means you will buy a brew for all of your friends. “轮到我请大家了”是说你要请你身边的每一个人一杯。 Before you make a mixed drink for your pal,ask him if he wants it straight up or on the rocks. 在你给你的朋友制作混合饮料前,问他是否想要加冰。 Beers come in a few basic types:cans,twist off bottles,and non twist off caps. 啤酒有几种基本分类:罐装、螺旋瓶口及非拧帽(盖)。 Drinking contests are common among friends,but only for fun. 喝酒比赛在朋友中很普遍,但只是为了开心。 A lot of the quality and taste of a beer is retained by the water that is used in the beer. 啤酒的许多质量及味道取决于制造啤酒时用的水。 初次见面英语对话?通过简单的对话来了解一下,在一来一往中掌握英语的真谛。
Kevin: Well,men in some countries kiss each other when they first meet. Laura:In which countries? Kevin: In Russia,France,Arab countries and some of the South American countries. Laura:But as far as}know,men don't kiss each other in either China or English-speaking countries. Kevin: Yes, you are right. Laura:But what do they do when they meet for the first time? Kevin: Well,in Britain,people usually shake hands; and in France,it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning, and kiss each other when they meet for the first time or leave. Laura:Seems that French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people. Kevin: That's right. Laura: Well,what should I do if I go to those countries? Kevin: When you are in Rome,do as the Romans do! 深圳美联英语小编知道,有些同学英语对英语不明就里迟迟没有进入状态,小编在此为大家翻译初次见面英语对话,帮助大家加深了解。 凯文:一些国家的男士们当他们第一次见面时也相互亲吻。 罗拉:有哪些国家啊? 凯文:俄罗斯、法国、阿拉伯国家和一些南美国家。 罗拉:但据我所知,在中国和其他一些说英语的国家男人们是不互相亲吻的。 凯文:是的,你说对了。 罗拉:可是当他们第一次见面是怎么做呢? 凯文:啊,是这样,在英国,人们通常都是握手,但在法国,每天早晨在办公室见面握握手已成为一种习俗,但当男士们初次见面或分开时还要相互亲吻。 罗拉:看起来法国人在互相打招呼和分开时要比英国人更常亲吻了。 凯文:是的。 罗拉:哎,那我要是到这些国家去该怎么做啊? 凯文:入乡随俗呗!