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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-21 15:46:28  浏览次数:105
核心提示:  关于合同谈判的商务英语-南昌美联英语
  经典句型背一背   I visited five clients today.   今天我拜访了五家客户。   This is indeed。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  经典句型背一背   I visited five clients today.   今天我拜访了五家客户。   This is indeed。big order.   这可是一笔大订单。   These are contents of the contract.   这是我们的合约内容。   When is the delivery scheduled?   什么时候交货?   Allow me to make。detailed product introduction.   请让我为你做一次详细的产品说明。   I am looking forward to working with you.   很期盼与您合作。   I believe we will have。fruitful working relationship.   相信我们一定会合作愉快。   Professionalism and sincerity are the secrets to a salesperson’s suxccess.   专业与真诚是做业务的成功法则。   This is the cooperation plan drawn up by our company.   这是本公司所提出的合作企划书。   We have no questions about all the terms.   我们对所有的条款都没有意见。   We've agreed on all the major points.   我们已就各个要点取得了一致意见。   We've settle a11 other disputes so far.   到目前为止,所有其他争论我们都已解决。   Why don't we compromise on this?   为什么我们不折中一下?   Let's split the difference.   让我们折中一下吧!   Do you have any questions about this stipulation?   关于这条规定你们还有什么意见?   Anything else you want to bring up for discussion?   你还有什么问题要提出来供双方讨论的吗?
  模仿对话练一练   A:The draft of the contract is ready,please go through the draftcontract and make sure everything is all right.   in:Well,I think the agreement has covered everything except someminor points. First,the time of shipment…A:The time of shipment?It is clearly stated that“Shipment is to hemade in June,July,August,2007.”That's what we all haveagreed,isn't it?   B:Yes,that's right but not exact .So I'd like you to amend it to read:"Shipment is to he madein three equal lots respectively in the middle of June,July,August,2007.”   A:Well,I'll see to it right away.   B:Thanks. And secondly,as this is a CIF transaction,I think it highly necessary to stipulatein the contract that“The seller should notify the buyer by cable after the loading iscompleted,and shall he held responsible for all the losses incurred should he fail to do so.”   A :Thank yru for reminding us I'll add it to the you any more suggestions?   B:No. Thank you for your friendly cooperation .Another thing,please remember the contract isto be written in Chinese and English and both languages are equally effective.
  南昌美联英语老师译文:   A:合同稿已拟好,请把合同草案过一遍,看有什么问题。   B:嗯,我感到这个协议把所有的都涵盖了。不过还有几个小问题。首先,装船时间……   A:装船时间?上面写得很清楚:" 2007年6月、7月、8月装船”。这是我们都同意了的,对不对?   B:对,但不够准确。请你把它改成:“分别在2007年6月、7月、8月中旬分三批等量装船"。   A:嗯,我马上修改。   B:谢谢。其次,由于这次交易是按成本运费加保险计价,我认为十分有必要在合同中规定:“在装好船后卖方应该拍电报通知买方;否则,由此而引起的损失应由卖方负责。”   A:谢谢您提醒我们,我会加上这条。您还有别的意见吗?   B:没有了,谢谢您的友好合作。另外一件事,请记住合同要用汉语和英语写,两种语言的合同具有同等效力。   以上就是南昌美联英语小编为您整理关于合同谈判的商务英语对话,南昌美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入南昌美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
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