Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every youngperson how to be a good parent. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Sample Answer
Generation gap, which is inevitable between youngsters and elders, is not strangeto modern people. As for the solution to that problem, various methods have beenadopted including introducing relevant courses in schools to educate students howto be a good parent. I am in total favour of that idea.
If students can be provided with sufficient knowledge of what constitutes aqualified parent, they can better understand their parents. As we know, somegeneration conflicts derive not from intrinsic contradiction, but lack of mutualunderstanding, so if it is possible that children can have access to how to begood parents, they will recognize how much enormous sacrifice their parents havemade to bring children up. Accordingly, a harmonious relationship between parentsand children can be definitely established.
Additionally, through schooling about qualifications of parents, children are moreprepared for their future adult life. It is generally agreed that the ultimate purpose ofmost education is to furnish students with essential skills to cope with problemsconfronted when stepping into society. One day, youngsters will not be naive, andthey form their own families and become parents themselves. Thus some earlyinformation about desirable attributes of parents is that invaluable and indispensableto blessed families. After all, the early bird catches the worm.
However, there should be some limitations on that practice. As children, nowadays,have been already overburdened with study, education of being good parents neednot take up too much time. Secondly, taking children's premature cognitive powerinto account, teacher shad better select such materials as can be easily understoodfor those still young children. only in this way, can the desirable effect be achieved.
Overall, I welcome the reform that when children are at their early age, they knowhow to be a good parent. Perhaps, the term "generation gap" will be soonrendered out-of-date since parents and children begin to behave more like friendsthan strangers without too much in common.