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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-21 22:07:20  浏览次数:46
核心提示:  关于加工贸易的商务英语-北京美联英语
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  经典句型背一背   The processing and assembling business is a component part of our company 's foreign trade.   加工和装配业务是我公司对外贸易的一个组成部分。   What do you think of the proposal that we supply you with the assembly line,technicalinformation,testing instrument,and complete sets of component parts for you to assemble theminto finished products?   你方对由我方向你们提供装配线、技术资料、测试仪器和成套的零部件,而由你方装配成成品的建议是否有兴趣?   We're thinking of having products processed in your country.   我们想在贵国加工产品。   If you're interested in the assembling business,please let us know your specific requirements.   如你方对装配业务有兴趣,请告知贵公司的具体要求。   We process with sulpplied materials,according to sulpplied samples,and/or under designatedbrand names.   我们利用来料加工,或按来样和/或按指定的商标名称加工。   All the materials are provided by you,while our company is only responsible for processing,for which we would charge a processing fee.   全部材料由你方提供,我公司只负责加工,因此需要收取加工费。   We hope for you to provide us with the necessary technique used in assembling the parts.   我方希望你方提供装配零件所使用的必要技术。   We'll process and assemble in strict accordance with the sample submitted by the customers,and deliver the finished products in conformity with the contract terms respecting the time ofdelivery,quality and quantity.   我们将严格按客户提供的样品加工装配,并按合同规定的时间,按质按量交货。   As to the rate of spoilage of the raw materials,it's rather difficult for us to make a closeestimate at the present stage of trial manufacture.   至于原材料的损耗率,我们很难在试产阶段做出准确的估计。   The supplied assembly tools shall be reinspected at this end to ensure that they correspond tothe standards.   所提供的装配工具需在我方重检验,以确保其符合标准。   The allowance for damage to materials and components in the course of processing andassembling is 3. 5%.   加工装配过程中原料与零部件允许的损耗率为%。
  模仿对话练一练   (Mr. Jing and Ms. Dai are discussing processing business.)A:We're also doing business of processing with materials suppliedby customers when we have surplus production.   B:Is that so?   A:Yes. If you are interested in the processing business,please letus know your specific requirements.   B:We've had our products assembled in China .Now we'd like you to process some of our part!   so as to further reduce the cost.   A:We're very much interested in that.   B:What's your rate of processing charges?   A:That depends on the labor needed and the quantity to he processed.   B:Then just let me know your labor cost.
  北京美联英语老师译文:   (井先生和代先生在谈论加工业务。)   A:当我公司有富裕的生产能力时,我公司也做来样加工业务。   B:是这样吗?   A:是的。如贵公司对加工业务有兴趣,请告知贵公司的具体要求。   B:我们已经在中国组装我公司的产品。现在我公司想要贵公司加工我公司的一些零件,以进一步降低成本。   A:我公司对此非常感兴趣。   B:贵公司的加工费率是多少?   A:这取决于所需的劳动力和要加工的数量。   B:那么就告诉我贵公司的劳务成本。   以上就是北京美联英语小编为您整理关于加工贸易的商务英语对话,北京美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入北京美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
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