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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-22 12:02:40  浏览次数:57
核心提示:  关于学生选课的雅思作文范文-广州环球雅思
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  Some people think the students should take the subjects which are decided bythe government in the university. Others think that students can apply for thesubjects they prefer. Discuss the two situations and give your opinion.
  Sample Answer   Some people hold that college students are supposed to study imperative coursesassigned by the government while others argue that they should be endowed withthe right to select whatever subjects appealing to their own interest. As far as I'mconcerned, I side with the latter viewpoint and will demonstrate it in the followingaspects.   First and foremost, it is the basic human right to make personal choices, includingwhat to study on campus, as schools are mere places for receiving education ratherthan military camps forcing people to accept everything imposed on them. Students,despite the fact that they just step into adulthood and may thus be inexperienced,actually don't need the government to confine them to a tiny little framework ofknowledge. As an independent university student, one is both supposed to and ableto apply for any subject he's keen on and shoulders all responsibilities for thedecision.   In the second place, each individual is distinctive, meaning that one doubtlessly hashis own aptitudes as well as weaknesses. As is known to all, one man's meat could beanother's , the government should be sensible enough to entitleevery single student to design or at least decide on his own curriculum according tohis specific learning styles and preferences. It would have been a total catastrophe tohave forced Beethoven to major in math and Einstein to work on opera.   Every coin has two sides. Admittedly, there are still a few merits for students to takesubjects determined by the government. For instance, students can bettercomprehend and pursue the latest trend of the country's cultural orientations, if theywant to. What's more, they can lead a relatively easier academic life simply byfollowing what is already prepared for them by the government. However, as we canclearly notify that these incentives are just for the sake of convenience.   To sum up, to select subjects at one's own will contributes more to students' all-round development and it conforms more closely to human nature as well.   ▼考官评分:8
  广州环球老师译文:   部分人认为大学生应该学习政府为他们设定的课程,而另一部分人认为学生应该有权选择自己感兴趣的课程。就我而言,我支持后者的观点,并将会从以下几个方面来论证。   首先,可以自己做决定是基本的人权,其中就包括有权决定自己在校期间的学习内容,因为学校只是吸收知识的地方,而非强迫大家接受其灌输一切的军事基地。虽然大学生刚步入成年期,也可能涉世未深,但他们依旧无需政府来为他们设定应学的课程。作为独立的大学生,他们有权也有能力选择自己想学的课程,且为自己的选择负责。   其次,每个个体都有其独特性,也就是说,每个人都会有其擅长和薄弱的方面。众所周知,彼之甘露,我之毒药。明智的政府理应让每个学生根据自身特有的学习风格和偏好去设计或至少去决定自己的课程表。可以想象,如果逼着贝多芬学数学,爱因斯坦学歌剧,将是多大的灾难啊!   诚然,事物都有两面性。按照政府要求来选课也非一无是处。比如,如果学生愿意听从政府安排听课的话,可以更好地理解学习国家新的文化发展方向。另外,学生也可以生活得更轻松,因为他们只要紧跟政府做出的安排就可以了。然而,不难发现的是,这样做的动机无非是贪图轻松。   综上所述,根据个人意愿来选课更有利于学生的发展,也更切合人性。   以上就是广州环球雅思小编为您整理的关于学生选课的雅思作文范文,广州环球雅思小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以广州环球雅思多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。
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