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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-23 21:16:46  浏览次数:56
核心提示:  想要取得雅思写作的高分希望大家一定要重视雅思写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下雅思写作技巧是什么,广州新航道小编为大家整理了一些范文,本篇雅思范文是关于解决交通拥堵方法的,一起来看关于解决交通拥堵方法的雅思作文范文吧。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?
  Along with the rapid development of urban traffic, certain problems have arisen, one of which is the traffic jam. It has become common to see passengers and drivers having to wait in long lines of buses and cars during the rush hours. Another problem is the pollution from vehicles. I am convinced that a rise in the price of petrol is the best way to deal with these two problems.
  Because it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of the increase in traffic and pollution, higher fuel costs will definitely compel drivers to give up driving their own cars and turn to public transportation. Researches reveal that in most cases, a car carries only one or two people, while it occupies almost half the space a bus does. The policy would also help to reduce some unnecessary travelling.
  Through the practice of increasing the price of petrol, the government could collect a great sum of the money, the government is able to invest more in the construction of new roads, which can lead to the reduction of traffic jams. The money could also be used to develop cleaner fuels. For example,persuading manufacturers and travelers to adopt electric cars would be an effective strategy for improving air quality, especially in cities.
  To sum up, I believe increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. Other measures include building more roads, giving priority to the development of public transportation, and working out cleaner fuels. However, these methods are not as effective as the rise of petrol price and some of them may need the fund collected from the policy.
  通过提高汽油价格的做法,政府可以征收一大笔钱。有了这笔资金,政府可以投资于建设新的道路,从而缓解交通拥堵。这些钱也可以用来开发更清洁的燃料。例如,说服制造商和人们采用电动汽车将成为改善空气质量的有效策略,尤其是在城市。综上所述,我认为提高汽油价格是解决日趋严峻的交通和污染问题的比较好的方式。其他措施包括兴建更多道路,优先发展公共交通,研发清洁燃料。但是这些方法都不如提高汽油价格有效。其中一些措施可能需要通过政策筹集基金。   以上就是广州新航道小编为您整理的关于解决交通拥堵方法的雅思作文范文,广州新航道小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以广州新航道多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。
免责声明:[ 总算领会关于解决交通拥堵方法的雅思作文范文]信息是由该公司[勤学思教育网]自行发布,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。[爱品网]仅列示上述信息,上述信息描述仅代表信息发布日的情况,不担保该信息的准确性,完整性和及时性,也不承担浏览者的任何商业风险。
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