惊讶既可以是出于对某些负面消息的震惊或意外,也可以缘于听到好消息后的惊喜。 常用句型 Useful Sentences
Positive surprise正面的惊讶 1. What a pleasant/wonderful/lovely surprise! 真是令人喜出望外呀 2. What a surprise! 真是意外之喜呀! 3. I'm still in a state of shock. 我现在还深感震惊呢。 4. I'm really over the moon about this. 我真是高兴极啦。
Negative surprise负面的惊讶 1. Nothing surprises me anymore. 没什么比这更让我惊讶的了。 2. I'm just as surprised as you are. 我跟你一样感到吃惊。 3. I would never have expected this to happen. 我从来就没想过会发生这种事。 4. I was even more surprised than you. 我比你还吃惊呐。 5. It came as a complete shock/surprise to me. 这完全出乎我的意料。 6. I would never have expected this to happen in a million years. 我永远也不会想到会发生这种事情。 经典范文 Model Subject:Simon Dear Amanda
I was really surprised to hear that Simon had handed in his resignation yesterday. I really thought that he was happy here but apparently he was headhunted by one of our rivals to lead their Sales department. I suppose it means more and more responsibility there but we will certainly miss him. Anyway,I wish him all the best.
Yours Edward 主题:西蒙 亲爱的阿曼达