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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-25 12:47:02  浏览次数:52
核心提示:  关于质量管理的英语对话--苏州美联英语
  评价供货质量   I do not believe they can guarantee to meet our quality standards.我认为他们无法确保达到我
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  评价供货质量   I do not believe they can guarantee to meet our quality standards.我认为他们无法确保达到我们的质量标准。   We have checked with the manufacturer and he confirms he can meet ourrequirements.我们已经和制造商谈过,他们确认可以达到这些要求。   It is clear that our requirements are not being met.很明显,他们并未达到我们的要求。
  质量监控办法   We need to put our own quality control inspector on the project.我们需要在这个项目中安排一位我们的质量管理监察员。   Let's set up a meeting to discuss our requirements.我们来安排一次会议商讨工作要求。   We can give them a three-month trial period to clean up their act.我们可以给供货商3个月的试用期来让他们改正错误。   I think we should start looking at other suppliers.我认为我们现在应该开始留意其他供应商了。   I' ll contact HR about finding an inspector.我会联系人力资源部找个监察员。
  情景对话   对话场景:供货质量有问题,总经理和部门主管商量解决之道。   句型重点:评价供货质量,说明改进方式。   Director:Do you have any concerns about the project?总经理:你对这个项目有何担忧吗?   Manager:I do. I am concerned about the do not believe they can guarantee to meet our qualitystandards.部门主管:有,我对供货商不太放心。我认为他们无法确保达到我们的质量标准。   Director:Really? Why is that?总经理:真的吗?为什么?   Manager:After reviewing their work,it is clear that ourrequirements are not being met.部门主管:在检查了他们的工作后,显然,他们达不到我们的要求。   Director:Do we need to go over our requirements andspecifications with them again?总经理:需要再次去向他们重申我们的要求及规格吗?   Manager:That might help. I think that we also need toput our own quality control inspector on the project toensure that their work reaches our high standards.部门主管:这或许能有所帮助。我认为为了确保供货商以高标准完成工作,我们需要在这个项目中安排一位我们的质量管理监察员。   Director:That sounds sensible. Let’s set up a meetingto discuss our requirements and then talk to HR aboutgetting an inspector on the case. We can then give thema three一month trial period to clean up their act.总经理:你说得有道理。我们来安排一次会议商讨工作要求,然后与人力资源部谈谈在这个项目中安排一名监察员。之后,我们可以给供货商们3个月的试用期来让他们改正错误。   Manager:I agree. We have to do everything we can touphold our company's reputation.部门主管:我同意。我们要竭尽所能维护公司的声誉。   Director:I think we should also start looking at othersuppliers in case we do need to find a new supplier atthe end of the trial period.总经理:我想,万一我们在试用期结束后需要新的供应商,现在也应该开始留意其他供应商了。   Manager:I’ll contact HR about finding an inspector andhave one of the assistants schedule a meeting with thesuppliers.部门主管:我会联系人力资源部找个监察员,并让助理安排一个与供货商的会议。   Director:Great. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.总经理:很好。谢谢你让我注意到了此事。 以上是苏州美联英语学校小编为大家整理提供的关于质量管理的英语对话内容。
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