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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-01 07:44:05  浏览次数:56
核心提示:  口语测试是雅思考试中的一大重要部分。为了方便同学们的复习,广州启德教育小编为大家准备了有关雅思口语的出色模板,希望为大家的雅思复习提供帮助,本篇是关于描述运动的雅思口语模板。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  运动休闲卡是雅思考试中比较简单的卡片,原因有三个方面。第一,本类卡片所涉及的领域为与日常生活相关的话题,考生们比较能够找到突破点;第二,本类卡片完全可以事先进行准备,只要一个素材就可以对付很多其他的相似卡;第三,运动类卡片都会涉及到运动的好处,是完全可以通用的,无论在什么时候都可以把下面这段话搬出来使用:It is very good for your health. It provides a great cardiovascular workout, strengthens and tones your muscles. Regular exercise gives better overall physical condition as well as some other health benefits, including mental benefits such as relaxation and reduction of anxiety. Most importantly for many, it is a good way to lose weight and generally get fitter.

  Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.   You should say:   what kind of game or sport it is   who you play it with   where you play it   and explain why you enjoy playing it.

  Probably the game which I enjoy playing most in my spare time is tennis. And I play it at my local club with all different kinds of people who go there because we have a tennis league. And we all play with each other. So I' m not just playing with one person. I play with a lot of different people.
  And I think there are two main reasons why I really enjoy it-the first one is the physical side because it' s really energetic. I' m running around the court. Hmm…At the end of it I feel exhausted …I can burn off all the surplus fat and I can keep fit at the same time. Because during the week I' m sitting on a chair in my office. I walk to get a cup of coffee, probably nothing else and it' s a really big challenge and a really good thing for me physically. I think that at the weekend I go and for a couple of hours anyway. I' m running around a tennis court, thinking about a tennis ball …I don't think of anything else, just hitting the ball. And trying my best to win the point. Hmm…sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
  And the other factor why I really like it is the consideration from the social side. It' s a really good way to meet people and they' re people .a completely different group of people from my work friends.
  我喜欢打网球的另外一个原因是社交方面的,这是一个很好的结识朋友的途径,这些都是与我的工作伙伴完全不同的一类人。   以上就是广州启德教育为您整理的关于描述运动的雅思口语模板,对于想要提高雅思口语的同学来说,可以看看这些雅思口语模板,学习其中的答题方式和英语句子的使用,以及回答技巧,希望能够帮助到雅思考生们。
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