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  1. There has long existed a discussion on whether students should be taught separately accor
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  1. There has long existed a discussion on whether students should be taught separately accordingto their intelligence.   关于是否应该根据儿童的智力对他们进行分开教学这一点,很久以来就有很多讨论。
  2. Whether in privileged schools or ordinary schools, separation in teaching is a common practice.   不论是在重点学校还是普通学校,分开教学都是很普遍的做法。
  3. Some people are for it in that they think that separation in teaching is often more efficient indeveloping children's talents.   一些人对此表示认同,因为他们觉得因材施教对于发展儿童的天分更有效。
  4. They take it for granted that some children are more intelligent than others.   他们想当然地认为有些儿童比其他儿童聪明。
  5. They suggest that schools design particular courses for children with special learning interests.   他们建议,学校应该为有特殊学习兴趣的儿童设计专门的课程。
  6. Admittedly, children show their talents in different fields and give different performances ontasks.   不得不承认的是,儿童的才能表现在不同的领域,在完成任务上的表现也不同。
  7. But that does not necessarily mean they should be graded according to their intelligence.   但那并不意味着就该按他们的聪明程度给他们分级。
  8. It is probably a hasty decision to implement separation in teaching.   实行分开教学很可能是一个过于草率的决定。
  9. In some sense, such practice is not very well-grounded.   在某种意义上,这种做法并不是很有依据。
  10. Teaching effectiveness is based on a variety of factors, not merely on students' academicperformance in exams.   教学效果是以多种因素为基础的,而不仅仅是学生的考试成绩。

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